Renata Glasc Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities

Renata Glasc
Renata Glascthe Chem-Baroness


Renata Glasc - The Chem-Baroness of Zaun

Renata Glasc is a powerful and ambitious support champion in League of Legends, hailing from the undercity of Zaun. Known as the Chem-Baroness, she’s a brilliant businesswoman and ruthless leader who uses her influence and advanced chemtech to control and manipulate others. Unlike most support champions, Renata embodies a darker, more menacing role in the game, focusing on power, control, and domination rather than traditional protection and healing.

Renata's kit is centered around crowd control, utility, and clever positioning, enabling her to disrupt enemies and empower allies in unexpected ways. Her abilities, like Handshake and Bailout, bring unique advantages to teamfights by manipulating enemy positioning and offering a second chance to her allies. Renata's ultimate, Hostile Takeover, is a game-changing ability that forces enemies to attack each other, creating massive disruption and potential for decisive plays. Her style makes her a versatile support, valuable in both offensive and defensive situations, and perfect for players who enjoy an impactful, high-stakes approach to supporting.

Renata Glasc offers a fresh take on the support role with her dark, manipulative theme, combining crowd control and influence to create opportunities for her team to dominate the battlefield.

Renata Glasc Overview

Renata Glasc, the Chem-Baroness of Zaun, is a unique and powerful support champion in League of Legends. Unlike traditional supports who focus solely on protection or healing, Renata wields a manipulative, high-stakes playstyle that can turn fights through crowd control and powerful utility. As a shrewd business magnate from Zaun, she uses advanced chemtech to control both allies and enemies, making her one of the most distinctive supports in the game.

Renata’s abilities reflect her tactical and ruthless approach. Her Q (Handshake) allows her to grab and reposition enemies, even forcing them to collide with one another, adding disruption and utility in skirmishes. Her W (Bailout) grants allies a temporary boost in attack speed and a “second chance” mechanic, where they can revive if they secure a takedown during the effect’s duration. Her E (Loyalty Program) is a hybrid ability that shields allies and damages enemies, providing flexibility in fights and helping her keep her team strong.

Renata’s ultimate, Hostile Takeover, is her signature ability. It sends a chemtech wave in a broad area, forcing enemies caught within it to attack each other temporarily, creating chaos in enemy ranks. This ultimate can turn entire teamfights by causing disruption, crowd control, and damage within enemy lines. The ability to manipulate enemies so drastically makes her an incredible asset in coordinated teamfights.

With her versatile toolkit, Renata Glasc is an ideal support for players who enjoy high-impact, disruptive plays that can swing the momentum of a game. She’s best suited for players who thrive in a tactical, slightly aggressive support role and who want to control the flow of teamfights through influence and clever positioning.


Renata Glasc Pros and Cons

  1. Pros:
  • Can change the outcome of a teamfight
  • Great poke with Leverage and Loyalty Program
  • Really fun to play with Bailout
  • Great survivability and with Loyalty Program
  • She's mother

Renata Glasc is a great support, in my opinion. During laning phase, poking with her can be really easy, and does extra damage if your ADC pokes them after you. This procs your Leverage. You can also poke with Loyalty Program, but be mindful when using it, because you can run out of mana quick. Once you start getting into fights, having Bailout ready, can give your ADC some really good buffs, and if they die, no problem! Just try securing a kill before the timer runs out. While Hostile Takeover can be predictable, try using it in cheeky ways! Hide in a bush or behind a wall, and watch your enemies fight each other >:) This can really change the outcome of a fight!

  1. Cons:
  • She can get outranged, therefore, outpoked.
  • Her Handshake isn't the best "hook"
  • She's very squishy, if you don't build her tank.
  • Not the easiest to play
  • Really slow

I'll admit that Renata's Handshake isn't the best "hook" in the game, if we're comparing it to other supports (EX. Thresh's Death Sentence can go through walls and has a longer reach.) There are other supports who are also better at poking, meaning, she can get outranged and outpoked. While Renata's abilites are easy to understand, it's landing them that makes it difficult. Landing or missing a Handshake can determine if you and your ADC survive or not. One of the other things I've noticed was how SLOWWW it was getting to lane.

Renata Glasc tips and tricks

  • Play around your Ultimate Hostile Takeover R. Use it to flank in team fights to surprise the enemy champions.
  • In fights, make sure your Loyalty Program E hits as many champions as possible. The more allies you hit, the more shielding your team will receive.
  • Your Handshake Q is very versatile. You can use it to set up picks or disengage from fights too.

Renata Glasc Summoner Spells


Renata Glasc Items

Rejuvenation Bead
Rejuvenation Bead

Renata Glasc Runes


Renata Glasc Ability Combos

  • Q + Q + E + AA: Use your Q, then Q then E and finish with an AA
  • AA + W + AA + E + AA + Q + Q + AA: Start with an AA then W then AA then E, AA, Q twice then finish with an AA
  • E + Q + Q + AA: Use your E, then Q twice then finish with an AA
  • R + E + Q + Q + AA: Press your R, then E, then Q twice then an AA
  • Q + Q + R + E: Start with Q twice then R then finish with E
  • R + Flash + Q + Q + AA + E + AA: Start with R, instantly flash, Q twice, AA, E then finish with an AA

Renata Glasc Abilities

Loyalty Program
Loyalty Program
Hostile Takeover

How to play Renata Glasc

  1. Early game
  • You will definitely want to sit in the lane brush and try to Handshake Q enemies. If you are in a matchup where you want your ADC to scale, focus on using your Handshake Q defensively.
  • Being a part of team fights and neutral objective fights is a must. Your Bailout W has a very good chance of reviving someone but always prioritize an ally who can destroy the enemy quickly within the decay period.
  • Once you get your Ultimate Hostile Takeover R, look for as many clumped fights in the Jungle as you can. Sit in a Jungle brush and wait for a bunch of enemies to walk towards you.
  1. Mid game
  • During the mid-game, you may be able to focus on roaming and warding easily. Use your Handshake Q to self-peel in case you get caught.
  • Make sure that you play around vision as much as you can in the game. Enemies will definitely try to pre-ward brushes so stock up on Control Wards.
  • Stick around your team and don't squander about else you may lose opportunities for massive team fight wins. One thing you must focus on is warding and your safety.
  1. Late game
  • During this phase of the game, you will want to focus on team fights only. Use your Ultimate Hostile Takeover R liberally and try to Bailout W carries that are about to die.
  • Keep poking out enemies with your Loyalty Program E and see if you can displace them with your Handshake Q. You should be able to deal with the enemy front line this way.
  • Be a part of neutral objective fights frequently and see if you can target the enemy Jungler. This will prevent the enemy Jungler from getting their Smite off on the enemy.


Renata Glasc brings a unique, high-stakes style to the support role in League of Legends. As a support champion, she redefines how utility and control can be used offensively, turning the tide of battles through disruption and manipulation. Her chemtech-powered abilities allow her to empower allies in critical moments and sow chaos among enemies, forcing them into unfavorable situations. With Hostile Takeover and Bailout, she offers unmatched potential to turn a teamfight in her favor.

Renata is perfect for players who thrive on strategy and game-changing plays, capable of taking a proactive approach to support. She’s a great choice for those who enjoy controlling the battlefield and influencing the outcome of fights with tactical precision. With Renata Glasc on their side, teams gain a versatile and commanding presence in bot lane, capable of altering the course of any match through her calculated influence and powerful abilities.

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Updated 2mo ago

Renata Glasc Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities

Renata Glasc
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