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QiyanaEmpress of the Elements



Pros & Cons
- Highly enjoyable champion to play
- Exceptionally high skill ceiling
- Abundance of outplay opportunities
- Demonstrates significant strength in the mid/late game
- Nearly permanent invisibility
- Has the ability to frustrate opponents
- Challenging early game
- Encounters numerous difficult matchups
- Vulnerable against tanky opponents
- Struggles when falling behind
- Champions with revealing abilities can pose a significant challenge
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Royal Privilege (P): Qiyana's first attack or ability against an enemy deals bonus physical damage. This effect cannot occur on the same target more than[ic once every 25 seconds. Changing element resets that damage.
Edge of Ixtal (Q): Qiyana swings her weapon, dealing damage with a bonus effect based on her element.
Terrashape (W): Qiyana dashes towards an element and enchants her weapon with that element. Her attacks and abilities deal bonus damage while her weapon is enchanted.
Audacity (E): Qiyana dashes to an enemy, damaging them.
Display of Talent (R): Qiyana sends out a shockwave that detonates whatever elements she hits with it, stunning and damaging nearby enemies.
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