What to run on Udyr depends on match up
If you can understand what runes and masteries to run in all match-ups, you'll have your best shot to thrive, climb and become Udyr Musk! Udyr is a versatile champion, and there isn't a one-size-fits all build. The build and rune set-up should always depend on who you're playing against, and what build you plan to go. In this guide, I'll cover the basics in the most common match-ups toplane. Including my current Tank AD build, standard AD build, and builds depending on Matchups against Champions like Yone and Riven.

Tank Udyr + Doran Ring + no Health Pot start

If you decide you want to max R or if you go ap tank you can get more points in W, since W has OP scaling, most Tank champs played Top have a lot of options now when buying MR items - so more points in Q for ad is needed to surprise them when they think they're safe with Spectre's Cowl item.
Tank Udyr Top vs. AD Champs

If you dominate early and can get to the enemy tower for plates always rush Hullbreaker, if not go Triforce second or try other items for fun. You'll see in the videos where I dominate and have the freedom to hit the towers - I'm able to maximize Hullbreaker and get paid in full.
Udyr vs Yone | Part 1 | S14 Udyr Guide by Trick2g
Udyr vs Yone | Part 2 | S14 Udyr Guide by Trick2g
Abilities - Udyr Vs. Yone (or other AD Champs or just going AD)

Only go Q second if you're full HP and about to hit level 2 and can get on him and if passive close to being up!!!! If so, once you hit Level 2, you should have R on to slow and catch up to him and allow you to use Awaken Passive Q and Ignite. Make sure you have the right runes in this match up! It's crucial. *If you're low HP, go W second. *
Build - Udyr Vs. Yone (or other AD Champs or just going AD)

You dont have to buy Hullbreaker in this scenario, you can go something tankier in the MR or Rrmor department for your last 2 items. Since Mythics went bye-bye, Ravenous Hydra rush is back, and the early days of League are back now with those wasted Mythics gone.
Summoner Spells - Udyr Vs. Yone

Bring the business to him, replace TP with Ignite and dominate him early to snowball.
Runes - Udyr Vs. Yone (or other AD champs)

You can do Grasp vs Riven or this if you feel confident.
Udyr vs Tanks Toplane | S14 Udyr Guide by Trick2g
Summoner Spells - Udyr Vs. Tanks Toplane

Flash is fine, if you're more comfortable with it.
Udyr Vs. Akali (or other Magic Dealing Champs)
Build - Udyr Vs. Akali (or other Magic Dealing Champs)

You can build more AP and an Armor item, depending on the enemy team's comp.
The Key
My play style when it comes to playing Hullbreaker 2nd is to **sustain, **and if I get a kill earliy, it's a bonus. When I achieve this, I allow myself to get all plates + Tier 2 tower, and priority for Voidlings which gives us that white bar damage (true damage) to towers. If you guys have any other questions, stop by the stream cause I'm loving the patch currently. Godyr S14 back and here to stay till I stroke up brothers!