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Seraphinethe Starry-Eyed Songstress
Sorcerer's Shoes
Sorcerer's Shoes
Archangel's Staff
Archangel's Staff
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Staff of Flowing Water
Staff of Flowing Water
Cosmic Drive
Cosmic Drive
Rabadon's Deathcap
Rabadon's Deathcap

✦ Sorcerer's Shoes Unless the enemy team has a lot of AD or AP, you want to take Sorcerer's Shoes every time for the increased magic penetration it provides, enabling you to deal more damage to squishies, and even those with some magic resist items. Ionian Boots of Lucidity is also an option for extra CDR if the build you choose to go lacks it.

✦ Liandry's Torment Liandry's is still a great item on Seraphine in Season 14, even though it offers no mana, it works well with her kit and allows the sustainable damage and poke she needs - it is VERY good against health heavy champions. Liandry's Torment works extremely well the long range Seraphine offers, an aggressive gameplay allows her to poke down enemy laners with little risk involved. This can be prioritised as a 2nd or 3rd item with a priority on Archangels early.

✦ Seraph's Embrace Seraphs Embrace helps Seraphine deepen her mana resevoir from a Tear of the Goddess start! It offers a huge amount of flat AP along with a solid 250 Health that when upgraded from Archangel's Staff offers AP to 2% bonus mana. Seraphine can throw out abilities constantly in lane and in teamfights without the fear of going OOM and leaving herself vulnerable!

✦ Rylai's Crystal Scepter Providing us with a hefty amount of AP, and a nice chunk of 400 HP, Rylai's Crystal Scepter also slows enemies hit by damaging abilities by 30% for 1 second, enabling Beat Drop to root them, or slowing them enough for our other skill shots, or allied skill shots, to hit them.

✦ Morellonomicon This item is fantastic vs healers such as Vladimir, Soraka, Yuumi etc. It provides us with grievous wounds, negating healing by 40%. Take note if other laners are building greivous, if they are then prioritise more utility or AP depending on how you are wanting to play the lane. You can progress towards Shadowflame if Morello doesn't look like the most efficient choice. Remember Seraphine is a utility mage, not an AP Assassin.

✦ Zhonya's Hourglass With Zhonya's Hourglass, we gain the ability to negate all damage for 2.5s - including damage from Ignite and Death Mark. Invaluable on an immobile mage like Seraphine, and even better when you're vs assassins.

✦ Luden's Companion -SITUATIONAL This can be implemented if you want to play a little more aggressive and high burst, primarily focusing on Q max and an aggressive rune set up. Ludens works extremely well when you land a double cast High Note. Going Ludens with Liandries can actually work well in the right team comp, the wave clear is good but the playstyle of Seraphine rarely compliments this.

✦ Banshee's Veil -SITUATIONAL This item is like Zhonya's Hourglass, but it negates only one spell - after taking no damage from champions. It's great for long range engage champions such as Blitzcrank and Alistar, allowing you to not get caught out by hidden hooks or headbutts - if playing support! For a midlane gameplay this is extremely useful if laning against Veigar, Syndra or Zoe. Being able to negate a potential one shot late game is vital depending on how fed your laners are. In Season 14 the new Verdant build path makes this stronger than ever with the passive being

✦ Staff of Flowing Water -SITUATIONAL Staff of Flowing Water is a great item on Seraphine, even in the midlane in Season 14. The passive works fantastic during the mid game around team fights and objectives, you gain 30 AP along with your team, also 10% bonus movement speed for 4 seconds. This happens when you heal or shield allied champions, this compliments your W amazingly.

✦ Cryptbloom- SITUATIONAL With Cryptbloom now being added as a new Season 14 item it works tremendously well with Seraphines playstyle. This allows you to build aggressive but still have utility associated with teamfights. Cryptbloom works exceptionally well with Seraphine due to her being able to proc it relatively easily while complimenting her healing, this should be prioritised vs a high mr team.

High Note
Beat Drop
Surround Sound
High Note
Surround Sound
Beat Drop

Stage Presence (Passive)

Innate - Echo: Seraphine'S basic abilities generate a stack of Echo, stacking up to 2 times. At 2 stacks, Seraphine's next basic ability casts an additional time at no cost after a 0.033 seconds delay, consuming all Echo stacks after the cast time of the second cast completes. Seraphine gains full stacks of Echo when the game starts and upon respawning.

Innate - Harmony: Seraphine's abilities grant a Note to her and all nearby allied champions, lasting 6 seconds, up-to 4 Notes at a time can be present per unit. Seraphine's next basic attack gains 25 bonus attack range per active Note and fires all of them at the target, dealing 4 − 24 (based on level) (+ 7% AP) magic damage for each Note discharged. Subsequent Notes deal 75% of the previous Note's damage to non-minions. Notes deal「 200% bonus damage 」to minions.

Echo's stacks are represented by a stack counter under Seraphine's health bar. The second cast must complete for Echo stacks to be consumed; if the cast time does not finish or does not begin at all, Seraphine will keep her stacks. The Notes will fire from allies regardless of how far they are away from Seraphine. Seraphine, while alive, will play music if there is at least one ally champion nearby. This is audible to Seraphine and all allied champions that are in range of Harmony, indicative of if they can receive a Note or not.

High Note (Q)

Seraphine hurls a soundwave to the target location that quickly expands in a radius upon impact, dealing magic damage to enemies in the area, increased by 0% − 50% (based on target's missing health). High Note will fire from wherever Seraphine is at the end of the cast time. The impact delay depends solely on the missile speed. It is 0 seconds to 0.75 seconds (after end of cast time) within the standard cast radius, but can be increased further by Seraphine being moved away from the cast location during the cast time. High Note with your double cast can be devastating when combo'd correctly onto a CC'd target! Remember the further you are away from your enemy the longer High Note takes to land. The closer you are the better! Fantastic for wave clear once you have a solid foundation of AP.

Surround Sound (W)

Seraphine spurs her nearby allied champions in song, granting herself 20% (+4% per 100 ability power) decaying movement speed and 50 / 70 / 90 / 110 / 130 (+25% of ability power) shield for 2.5 seconds (allies granted 8% (+1.6% per 100 ability power) movement speed and 60 - 140 (+40% of ability power) shield instead).

If Seraphine is already shielded, she calls out to her allies to join her, restoring 5 / 5.5 / 6 / 6.5 / 7% (+0.4% per 100 ability power) missing health to them per nearby ally champion after a 2.5 second delay.

Surround Sound's effects can stack up to 2 times. Surround Sound will empower from any shield that Seraphine has. It does not have to be sourced from Surround Sound. A large indicator similar to Redemption's signals the heal area of effect and delay. Your Surround Sound will heal more depending on how many allies are in it! When Surround Sound is used with your Echo then you can gain a double shield and movement speed! Can be used efficiently for disengaging or engaging!

Beat Drop (E)

Seraphine fires a heavy soundwave in a line in the target direction, dealing magic damage to enemies struck, reduced against minions, and slowing them by 99% for 1 second.

Enemies that are already slowed are also rooted for the same duration. Enemies that are immobilized or grounded are also stunned for the same duration. The root and the stun cannot apply at the same time.

Echo Beat Drop combo can be unbelievable in early trades botlane especially with a level 2 advantage. You will find yourself using Beat Drop as your main echo combo once you realise the strength it offers in teamfights or ganks. Beat Drop and Rylai's is a match made in HEAVEN! Once you have Rylai's you will be constantly Rooting enemies due to them being already slowed with the first cast when Echoed! Beat Drop has quite a distinct range which allows you to trade with low risk, double cast Beat Drop with High Note right after to maximise a safe trade. You don't have to be the one to slow the enemies beforehand in order to get the stun from Beat Drop. Focus on fights and cast it on enemies you see being pursued by already high CC team mates!

Encore (R)

Seraphine projects a captivating force in the target direction that deals magic damage to all enemies struck and charms them for a few seconds, during which they are also revealed and slowed by 40%, increasing by 15% every 0.25 seconds over the duration, up to 99%.

Encore's projectile resets its remaining travel distance whenever it strikes an allied or enemy champion, excluding Seraphine. Additionally, all struck allied champions gain 4 Notes.

Encore will not extend on enemy champions that are untargetable, but will do so for allied champions. Spell Shield will also prevent Encore from extending. There is no limit as to how many times the wave can extend.


★ Summon Aery is one of the best runes for Seraphine, providing extra poke, or offering a shield instead, synergising with her damaging abilities as well as her Surround Sound.

Manaflow Band ★ Manaflow Band restores mana upon hitting an enemy, and increases our mana up to 250 and restores 1% of our missing mana thereafter - increasing Seraphine's ability to poke down her enemy

Transcendence ★ Transcendence is a free +5 ability haste at levels 5&8, and at level 11, you reduce the remaining cooldown of basic abilities by 20% when you get a champion takedown. This is very useful for Seraphine to quickly ramp up her spells to get that sweet double cast proc.

Scorch ★ Scorch does bonus damage on your next damaging ability, every 10 seconds. Very good for laning priority. Can be replaced with Gathering Storm if you're scaling for late. Scorch has recently become a lot popular in midlane picks due to the aggressive nature that comes with the lane, it may not be as safe as Gathering Storm but it is very rewarding if you can keep the harass up!

Biscuit Delivery ★ Biscuit Delivery provides us with a Total Biscuit of Everlasting Will every 2 minutes until minute 6. Each biscuit restores your missing health and mana, and increases mana cap by 40 - even if you sell the biscuit instead. Useful for providing sustain in laning phase, or a little extra gold if you end up not using them. These are great for playing quite aggressive early as you can expend a lot of mana pre Lost Chapter and not get punished for it!

Cosmic Insight ★ Cosmic Insight provdes us free +15 summoner spell haste, and +10 item haste, decreasing the cooldowns, which is always helpful. Seraphine is a champion who thrives on lower cooldowns.

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