The best runes to stay relevant to the game at later stages.

Best for dueling and teamfights. Sett easily can stack conqueror.

W start is usually what you want to run because in an extended fight you will be able to do a lot more damage and while your shield is up you can recover 50-100 hp.

It covers everything a juggernaut needs. SLows enemy down, waveclear, healing, armor reduction, tenacity and movement speed.
From hardest to easiest matchups

- Survivability - Both in lane and out of it his regen, W shield and build path makes it so the champion is hard to take down
- Teamfighting- His kit allows him to isolate a target and paired with his ulti one mistake can make the whole enemy team fall like dominoes
- Versatile - His kit allows him to both split and teamfight depending on the situation you find yourself in
- W dive potential - Because of the w you can dive enemies easily but also they have a hard time diving you
- Easy to play - Not mechanically intensive which makes him easier to use and you can use your brain for analizing the game more
- Predictable - Setts only choice to engage is running at the enemies which can in turn make it very easy for them to kite and chunk him down
- Immobile - Even tho his q gives him speed and he can get items to boost his speed its hard to get to people without a dash
- Weak late - He starts losing 1v1 as the game goes on unless you build for dueling which will make you squieshier in teamfights
Early game
Sett is a lane bully and his early game is quite strong. Most matchups you should be able to deny the enemy from getting to the wave and try to trade them as much as possible for every minion they want to take. You are very susceptible to ganks so always need to keep an eye for that and target your agression when the enemy jungler is not around. Also think that your jungler wont be much help but doesnt mean you shouldnt help him. Pushing the enemy under tower when time for grubs comes around and doing them with your jungler is a good way to get yourself more stats and gold if your jungler is in the area. Also try to communicate what you intend to do if possible because i see this a lot where people dont bother talking and then they get frustrated when they get no help but sometimes your jungle just needs a little nudge in the right direction.
Diving is an option if you are ahead and you can do that alone because of your W you just need to chunk them down a bit first.
If the lane is going good and the enemy is just not fighting you anymore set up a freeze. It will primarily deny them of gold, keep you in a safe space close to your tower especially now with the new map enemy jungler has a harder time to come and dislodge you from your position and if they do get greedy and walk up as sett you should not have a hard time running them down and punishing by taking their summoners or their life.
If the lane is going badly all you can do is farm up and hope your team is good because you are an early game champion. Dont try to keep forcing because if you fall deeper behind then its completely unsalvagable and you are useless. If you just farm up at least you will have a chance to help your team via spliting or just being there in a teamfight as a cc bot and meat shield.
Mid game
Not a lot of team fighting happens in the midgame usually just small 2-6 ppl skirmishes that end quickly so your best and most productive thing to do is split and only group when an objective will become or is available on the map and you know there will be a teamfight around it. Keep in mind not to push more than your team has counter pressure in the map because getting caught and dying will just reduce the time that you are useful in that role. Do good warding and keep an eye on enemy players locations.
Late game
You are past your prime and getting weaker by the minute. Splitting can not be an option anymore but you still have to match the enemy if they are doing so. You may still be able to push if the enemy is behind and you dont get yourself in a 1v2 or 1v3 situation. Unless that is not possible you want to be with your team as much as possible or at least have tp ready to be there. Setts teamfight is very good because he can act as a peeler for the carries by stunning or removing someone that is diving into your backline or by frontlining. The enemy team has to be careful and possition themselves because if you ult someone into a bunch of them you will be able to do so much damage.
You are very team reliant at this stage so keep in mind to play around them as much as possible.