You need teleport mostly to get back in lane after an ult. Overall very good tool

You just want to be utilising your passive shield as much as you want. In an early trade you can use it 2 times before it is over so try to keep an eye on it and start learning when its available or not.

These runes are very good overall on shen because you get a lot of power when you use your passive and also get some ult cdr.

Tiamat or Bami Cinder are necessary for Shen because Shen has horrible waveclear as a champion. This build works well with the Ingenious hunter runes as most items do have an activation and it gives you massive sustain and survivability in a fight.
Matchups (S is hardest)

- Has a slow,shield,Auto range and damage enhacement and a taunt on his kit
- Global ultimate
- Great into most auto attacker toplaners
- W helps a lot in trading, csing under tower and in teamfights
- Easy to learn
- If they have good spacing is hard to cc them
- If you fall behind you are very weak
- Team reliant
- Falls of in late game
At the start of the match if you are not leashing you want to place your Q towards the enemy side of the lane so we can pull through the enemy and get more damage done. When we get all abilities we can do the same thing get our autos in the E the enemy, auto+Q because you can get an extra auto while the Q is coming and then we can press W depending on if we need it imediately or they have an auto reset/empowered auto ability. So basically Q, Q, 1-3 AAs, E, 1AA, Q , W.
You also want to get as many grasp stacks as you can during the lane and keep in mind your Q extends your auto range so utilise it for the extra damage and range and also the fact you get Passive shield this is just a free trade. If your Q passes through them you also activate cheap shot so its even better. Depending on the matchup when extended trades are not possible our only way of trading is doing this and then either pressing W or E immediately.
Another way to get a good grasp and trade is when they are under tower you can get behind them Q to get the empowered auto and then imediately E away, then drop 1 more auto after you are out of the turret. You will trade 1 tower shot but you should get more damage done this way. Try to also do this when the canon is low so you force them to lose it from the taunt.
Efficient Ulting
Shens Stand United has a huge cooldown because its such a great ability. Knowing when to throw it down is very necessary. The first most common way you can just ult at someone full hp if you feel you are needed at the start of the fight or when someone from your team gets a great engage and you ult them directly to get some chain cc action. The second most common way to use your ulti is to ult one of your carries or someone that is in danger from your team. Because we are using Revitalise its most efficient to use it when someone drops below 40%. When you are in laning phase still sometimes not ulting your team is the right choice because you might lose a lot on your side and its not worth unless you get a bunch of kills and an objective. Always keep an eye on the wave when you feel a need to ult arises.
Shen is a very good splitpush champion because of his Ultimate or TP if he has taken it. Now shen is not very quick to take towers but that is not the main goal. Always push opposite side of an objective for maximum efficiency. You want to draw attention to you so your team can do other stuff on the map. Keeping that in mind you always want to have vision and not push more than the opposite pressure created from your team on the map. Worst thing you can do as Shen is die because you are pushing without your team doing anything on the map because you arent just giving them free gold you are also removing your Ult from the equation. Always keep an eye where your team is positioned opposed to you.