Supports for Sivir

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Supports for Sivir

Hello my friends, in this post, in a very summarized and direct way, I will talk a little about the best and worst supports for our beloved Sivir.

Ideal Supports for Sivir

Yuumi: Simply perfect next to Sivir, all our dear Sivir wants is someone to give shields while she farms safely, abuse her ultimates to start enemies and best of all is that the two scale perfectly and can even carry the match.

Lulu has the power to transform Sivir into a hypercarry, Lulu's skills make Sivir a real threat both in the lane phase and in TF'S, always abuse your ultimates.

Karma: Sivir's ideal pair, Karma is the best doll in the game, because she gives protection, can start and also stop the enemy's advance, both have the power to make the botlane a hellish place for your enemies, abuse your pokes.

Milio is phenomenal, his kit is extremely useful for our Sivir, he can increase Sivir's range, he has a powerful shield and he also has a purify in his ultimate, he is a complete support for Sivir.

Thresh is perfect in every way, great way to start, has the flashlight to reposition you, a real startup support.

Taric is phenomenal with his ultimate, he has an extremely impactful healing power in the laning phase, one of the safest routes for Sivir is when he has a Taric by his side.

Zilean is awesome in so many ways, he can give you a Guardian Angel, he gives you movement speed, and he has phenomenal crowd control.


Ideal Supports for Sivir #2

Nami is a very good choice alongside Sivir, she has healing, increased damage and movement speed, everything our Sivir wants most.

Renata Glasc: An absurd peel from Renata and an ultimate capable of winning games, their lane phase is safe and even overwhelming.


''OK'' supports for Sivir

Lux is a good support for Sivir, however Lux likes to keep poking enemies in the laning phase and with that her poke can disturb her wave control too much.

Leona is an all win dummy, that's good and bad at the same time, as our Sivir doesn't have much damage at the beginning of the game, it's kind of complicated for Leona to play alongside us, however good Leona's can make the enemy adc tilt with so much group control.

Nautilus is an interesting choice, but dangerous, if he misses the Q, he kind of needs to stay safe until his ability returns, the laning phase of the two only works from level 6.

Great boot, a good heal and an ultimate that can save both him and you, always abuse Alistar's engages to poke the enemy team.

Bad Support For Sivir

Blitzcrank: Particularly I don't like Blitz with Sivir, because if he misses his Q Skill, his lane is immobile and unstable until he has the Q again.

Morgana: The same problem as Blitz, however what saves Morgana is her Black Shield. If she misses her Q skill, the lane is vulnerable and her W skill can disrupt her wave.

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Updated 1y ago

Supports for Sivir

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