Doran's Ring
Doran's Shield
Health Potion
D. Ring has much higher value as soon as you can all-in => Start D. Shield only very rarely
take for:
- more survivability in team fights
- better sustain in lane
Skill Order
Lvl 1:
- E if Melee or ranged and goes into E Range;
- Q if Ranged and doesn't go into E Range
Lvl 1-3:
- Q-E-W/E-Q-W: vs. Ranged
- E-W-Q: vs. Melee or if you can all-in Ranged
- E-Q-W: vs. Melee in niche scenarios - will 100% hit Q2 + very high %HP
Damge Comparison Q vs. W @Lvl 2, D. Ring, Double Adaptive:
- Q: 54.4 (+88.8 for Q2)
- W: 128.3 (+31.7 for Max Heal at 40% HP)
Max Order:
- 3 Points Q: If you need waveclear but not the poke from Q
- Q Max: vs. Ranged or Melees you can't all-in
- Q-E-W: only if the dash is important to you
- Q-W-E: more likely if you have more HP; if dash isn't as important
- W Max: vs. Melees you can all-in often
- W-E-Q: only if the dash is important to you
- W-Q-E: more damage than E 2nd
Summoner Spells