Sylas, the Unshackled, is one of the most dynamic and versatile champions in League of Legends. With the ability to steal enemy ultimates through his unique ability, Hijack (R), Sylas can adapt to almost any situation, turning the enemies' strength against them. As a melee mage, he excels in close-range skirmishes, dealing sustained damage and healing himself while disrupting opponents with his crowd control and mobility.
Strengths and Weaknesses of Sylas
- Strengths:
Ultimate Versatility: Hijack (R) allows Sylas to adapt to any team composition by stealing and using enemy ultimates, giving him unmatched flexibility in team fights.
High Sustain: Kingslayer (W) provides significant healing when used against champions, allowing Sylas to survive prolonged skirmishes.
Strong AOE Damage: Chain Lash (Q) and Petricite Burst (Passive) deal considerable area-of-effect damage, making him effective against grouped enemies.
High Mobility and Engage: Abscond/Abduct (E) gives Sylas a two-part dash, enabling him to initiate fights, reposition, or escape dangerous situations.
Scaling Potential: Sylas’ damage and healing scale well into the mid and late game, especially when he builds ability power items.
- Weaknesses:
Weak Early Game: Sylas has a high cooldown on his abilities early on and relies on landing his skillshots to be effective, making him vulnerable to aggressive laners.
Skillshot Reliance: Missing abilities like Chain Lash (Q) or Abduct (E) can significantly reduce his impact in fights.
High Risk-High Reward: Sylas’ effectiveness often depends on the availability of strong enemy ultimates. If the opposing team’s ultimates are weak or situational, his potential decreases.
Mana Hungry: Sylas consumes a lot of mana, especially during prolonged fights, limiting his ability to spam spells early in the game.
Sylas Tips and Tricks
Master Petricite Burst (Passive): Weave in basic attacks between spells to maximize your damage output and take advantage of the bonus attack speed.
Chain Lash Placement (Q): Position the chains to hit enemies with both the initial lash and the delayed explosion for optimal damage.
Use Kingslayer (W) for Sustain: Cast W strategically when your health is low to maximize its healing potential, especially in trades and skirmishes.
Combo Effectively: Combine Abscond (E1) and Abduct (E2) to engage or escape. Follow up with Kingslayer (W) and Chain Lash (Q) for a full damage combo.
Prioritize Strong Ultimates: Be mindful of enemy ultimates you can steal with Hijack (R). Look for impactful ones like Malphite’s Unstoppable Force or Ashe’s Enchanted Crystal Arrow to turn the tide of battles.
Adapt Your Build: Adjust your itemization based on the game’s needs. Focus on AP-heavy items for damage or durability-focused items if you need survivability.
Map Awareness: Track enemy champions with valuable ultimates and position yourself to steal them during critical moments.
Sylas Summoner Spells
Sylas Runes
Sylas Items
Sylas Skill Order
Sylas Ability Combos
- E + AA + W + AA + Q + AA + E + AA: To trade in minions E into melee range then AA W AA, use your Q then use the slow to more easily land your stun.
- E + E + AA + Q + AA + W + AA + AA: The most basic engage using E then E again followed by AA Q to keep your opponent close for your AA W finisher.
- E + Q + E + AA + W + AA + AA + AA: To guarantee the second part of Q damage try to E away from your target then instantly re-engage with Q E followed by AA W.
- Q + E + AA + W + AA + E + AA + AA: For a closer engage Q then instantly E into AA range, followed up with W AA and finally E to keep on your target.
- E + W + AA + E + AA + Q + AA + AA: When caught, use E towards your target and instantly W once in range, followed by AA E then use AA Q to slow them to stay in range for more AAs.
- R + Q: You can use abilities to cancel your R animation - R then instantly Q, R then instantly E, or E then E again and use R quickly while mid air.
- E + E + W + AA: E into your max W range, then E again and instantly use W to travel and stun slightly faster.
- E + FLASH + E + AA + Q + AA + W + AA + AA: To engage on further targets E then instantly Flash right as you are about to reach it's maximum distance. Instantly E and folllow this up with a basic AA Q AA W
- Q + W + AA + E: You can quickly burst trade by using Q and instantly W your target, AA them and as soon as the animation starts E away.
Game plan
- Early game
- This champion is an early game bully. Play aggressive throughout the laning phase to get kills. If you can get a kill or two, you can snowball your lead pretty quickly.
- Whenever your Ultimate Hijack R is up, you can look for aggressive plays to try and kill the enemy. Your Ultimate Hijack R is a great trading tool which makes you much stronger.
- Keep the minion wave even or slightly closer to your side of the map early on. This will allow you to run the enemy down while protecting yourself from ganks. If you keep pushing when you’re not ahead, you will be unable to run the enemy down and you’ll be an easy target for the enemy Jungler.
- Mid game
- Split push during the mid-game and try to secure side objectives. Avoid grouping when your Ultimate Hijack R is down.
- Group with your team when your Ultimate Hijack R is up. Rotate from the side lane to wherever your team is and look for a pick with your Ultimate Hijack R.
- Peel for your allies in team fights. As you’re tanky, you’re rather weak unless your carries are alive (depending on your build path). Thus, keeping them alive is key in team fights. Be prepared to peel for them when necessary.
- Late game
- Peel for your carries in late game team fights to increase the chances of your team winning the fight. If they die at the beginning, you will not be able to win the fight alone.
- Stick with your team in the late game. Do not split up or walk away from them otherwise the enemy may try to pick you off or initiate a 4v5 fight when you’re away from your team.
- Focus the nearest enemy champion to your carries and work as a team to take down the enemy one by one. If you focus the backline alone, you may be an easy target for the enemy and may die quickly. By focusing on the nearest champion, you will survive for longer and keep your carries alive.
Sylas is a versatile and high-impact champion who thrives in the hands of players who can adapt to the flow of the game. His ability to steal ultimates with Hijack (R) makes him a unique threat, capable of countering and exploiting enemy strategies. By mastering his combos, timing, and decision-making, Sylas players can dominate team fights and lead their team to victory. With practice, Sylas can be an unstoppable force on the Rift, embodying the spirit of rebellion and power.
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Good luck to you! – Cheng