Tahm Kench - Why him?
Tahm is one of the best tanks imo in the game. He has really high percentage healing, shielding and CC followed by high damage and is strong all game. He has a high diversity build and is one of the best toplaners so far. Why are people missing out on him? I don't really know. I guess people like bruisers more than tanks. In this guide you will learn his build, runes and his strong and weak points along with his matchups and what should he ban.

Pros and cons
high hp
high dmg
a lot of CC
Strong all game if didn't fall behind at any point
If enemy has CC he becomes really weak
weak if you fall behind
if you get focused on laning phase you practically become useless and it's unplayable
Matchups and who to ban
The hardest matchups so far are mordekaiser, illaoi, olaf, gp is not that strong but I guess he is pretty strong vs tahm, fiora and trundle. I always ban illaoi but it's just a preference. The rest of champions are skill based matchups or favoured for our catfish/frog.

Can I climb with him? How strong is he currently?
YES. You can and will climb with him. He is one of the most elo inflated/ best champions to climb with. How strong is he? Incredibly. I think he is S tier toplaner in patch 14.06. Thanks for attention and see my other guides!