Tahm Kench Support Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities

Tahm Kench
Tahm KenchThe River King

Tahm Kench Tips And Tricks

  • Activate your Thick Skin (E) during the skirmish with the enemy so they have to go through your health bar twice. Activate it before the enemy disengages from the fight.
  • If your carries are strong, default to using your Ultimate Devour (R) to peel and protect them. Keeping them alive in a late-game fight is very important if they’re going to carry.
  • By keeping the wave closer to your side of the map in the early game, you will be able to farm easily and avoid dying to ganks.

Tahm Kench Pros and Cons

  1. Pros:
  • One of the best blind picks for toplane .
  • Even worst matchup is killable solo , not many champs can do that in top.
  • Least boring tank to play in the game next to K'Sante.
  • Very unkillable in lane .
  • The best gank setup in the entire game , your ult stalls until jungler arrives , your w will cut off the enemies path so they cant run to tower its insane.
  • In teamfights you are basically malphite you can w engage in 5 ppl or turbo peel a fed carry with your ult .
  • Even if lane is bad you can always cs from away with q.
  • Very high Damage for a tank
  • Good mobility
  • 10/10 lore
  • Is a demon (based) (literally me).
  1. Cons :
  • Insanely weak before lvl 4.
  • Your w rarely lands without setup.
  • Gets demolished by Blade of the Ruined King
  • Mobility can be interrupted
  • Needs knowledge on how to perform the combos to reach max potential
  • 0 wave clear (big problem).

Tahm Kench Summoner Spells


Tahm Kench Items

World Atlas
World Atlas
Health Potion
Health Potion
Stealth Ward
Stealth Ward

Tahm Kench Runes


Tahm Kench Abilities

Tongue Lash
Abyssal Dive
Thick Skin
Tongue Lash
Abyssal Dive
Thick Skin

Tahm Kench Ability Combos

  • Basic: Q + Flash
  • Basic: W + Q + AA + AA + AA
  • Basic: W + Q (Cancel)
  • Medium: Q + W + AA + AA + AA + R

How to Play Tahm Kench Support

  1. Early game
  • Focus on playing safe and keeping your ADC alive for as long as possible in lane. Your early game is weak and you need time to come online.
  • As you’re a melee Support, watch your positioning at all times so you do not get harassed by the enemy Support if they’re ranged.
  • Look for counter-engage plays as your champion is way stronger at doing so compared to looking for aggressive picks.
  1. Mid game
  • As a Support, you’re quite vulnerable and can easily be killed when going to ward, when you’re moving around the map, and when you’re alone. To reduce the chances of dying and getting caught out of position, try and stick with your team at all times.
  • Keep a constant eye on what major objective is spawning next. If it’s spawning soon, make sure you place vision around the objective as quickly and as safely as possible before retreating to safety. Having vision around major objectives is key.
  • Look for picks during the mid-game. If you can pick someone off with the help from your allies, you can abuse their death timer to earn more gold and possibly take a tower, an objective or get more kills.
  1. Late game
  • Ward major objectives and place vision in high traffic areas in the late stages of the game. Keep them warded so you can see the enemy move around the map and see them starting the objective.
  • Stay with your team at all times. Avoid moving around the map alone so you do not get caught out. Getting caught out will result in your team having to play 4v5. Do not ward alone unless you know where the enemy is.
  • Peel for your allies as much as possible. Keeping them alive for as long as possible in team fights is a must in order to win the game.
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Updated 3mo ago

Tahm Kench Support Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities

Tahm Kench
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