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Luxthe Lady of Luminosity
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- With the Changes to the items this Season, a build that has been quietly OP (until now) is Tank Lux. Yes, you heard it right. This build is meant to make you unkillable while at the same time making sure you deal a lot of damage. The reason why this works on Lux is because she has a lot of damage in her kit so she won't miss any of it even if you go tank. And think about it, how many times have you seen a Lux just completely get annihilated and one shotted from an Assassin? That's the nature of the Champion, she is very squishy. But this build allows her to stay alive longer and still do (almost) the same amount of damage.
- You want to get RoA first, since we want to start scaling and getting free stats as the game progresses.
- Second item is Riftmaker because the new Riftmaker is great onto Champions that want to fight longer, and since we are not going for a one shot build, this item is perfect because any added HP will be transformed into AP.
- Third item we get Unending Despair and we slowly starting getting tankier and tankier.
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