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Teemothe Swift Scout


Teemo loves to Auto Attack, so having the extra damage from PTA when it gets poked is very good for the like of Teemo.






Win Conditions
- Use your range advantage to poke melee champions out of lane. Use your Q on them when they look to last hit a Cannon Minion.
- Run inside the bush after auto attacking the enemy to reduce incoming damage from minions.
- Place a plethora of Shrooms R in the river to reduce the chances of the enemy Jungler.
Weak Against
- Sion: Sion's high health pool and sustain from his passive allow him to withstand Teemo's poke and harass. Sion can farm safely using his abilities and passive shield.
- Urgot: Urgot's range, sustain from his passive and the ability to trade effectively with his Q make it challenging for Teemo to poke him down.
- Yorick: Yorick's ghouls and sustain from his Q allow him to trade favorably with Teemo. Yorick can trap Teemo inside his W, summon ghouls with E, and engage with his ultimate, making it difficult for Teemo to escape or win extended trades.
Strong Against
- Vayne: Vayne is a short-ranged champion, and Teemo can abuse his range advantage by poking her down with his Q and auto-attacks. Teemo's shrooms also provide vision and area control, making it challenging for Vayne to engage or reposition effectively.
- Camille: Teemo's blind from his Q can negate Camille's primary source of damage, her Q2. Teemo can kite Camille effectively, avoiding her engage attempts while continuously chipping away at her health with his ranged attacks and shrooms.
- Darius: Teemo can poke Darius from a distance, avoiding Darius's Q heal and preventing him from applying his passive stacks effectively. Teemo's speed boost from his W allows him to dodge Darius's skill shots and kite him.
Game Strategy
- Early Game: In the early game, Teemo should focus on harassing the enemy laner with his Toxic Shot (E) and Blinding Dart (Q) abilities while maintaining proper positioning to avoid ganks. Utilize your Passive to hide in brushes and ambush enemies, and control vision with your R.
- Mid Game: During the mid game, Teemo becomes a split-pushing and map control threat. Continue to split-push lanes, using your Shrooms to create a defensive perimeter and zone enemies. Be aware of map objectives and assist your team in securing them, while still pressuring side lanes.
- Late Game: In the late game, Teemo's strength lies in controlling objectives and team fights. Utilize your Shrooms to establish vision around Baron, Dragon, and choke points. In team fights, position yourself strategically, using your Blinding Dart and Shrooms to soften up and zone enemies, providing advantages for your team.