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Master Yithe Wuju Bladesman
Rune Page


Skill Order






- Weak Against: Trundle, Urgot, Sett.
- Strong Against: Gwen, Rumble, K'Sante.
Win Conditions
- Wait for the enemy to use their CC or poke ability before using your Q. Use your Q to dodge the damage or crowd control.
- When no team fights are occuring, look to split push and apply pressure to side lanes/towers.
- Use Meditate to negate the enemy's biggest sources of damage. It can also be used for auto attack resets.
All in All
- Master Yi Top is an unconventional choice that relies on split-pushing and dueling power, leveraging his high sustain, Alpha Strike poke, and Meditate for survivability.
Game Strategy
- Early Game: You can easily beat anyone in the early game in a 1v1, make sure to utilize your W properly since damage reduction + healing is very important. Level 6 is our big powerspike since now we can finally start diving and also win duels with more ease.
- Mid Game: Keep split pushing for the most part of the game since you can deal with pretty much anyone. It's very easy to dive since your Q will de-aggro the turret and at the same time your W will give you the necessary damage reduction you need.
- Late Game: Look to wait for the perfect moment to go in and clean up fights, that's what your champion is made for. If need be, tell your Jungler to assist you on the objective since you guys can 2v1 any Objective easily.