See phoenixkola's Twitch channel
1. Top Lane
- Mordekaiser will be a bit weaker this patch due to Riftmaker nerfs, but this won't be enough to stop him from staying at the Top. None of the 14.2 changes really affected Trundle either, so he will continue dominating Top Lane.

2. Jungle
- Nothing much happening to the Jungle Champions, so it will stay the same for Patch 14.2 as well: with Lillia and Rengar being one step above everyone else.

3. Mid Lane
- Although Riftmaker got nerfed, Vladimir will love the new Rune Page as there is no more Armor and Magic Resist and instead we have flat health shard which Vlad loves. As for Ekko, Fizz receiving some nerfs really made way for Ekko to get up onto the top.

4. ADC
- Ezreal is the only ADC change for this patch so the main champions will still be almost the same with MF being at the Top and Jhin joining her.

5. Support
- Maokai and Bard will be leading the way as the best Support carries for SoloQ. Both Champions are amazing with the new item Trailblazer and are dominating the meta as a result.