Top 6 Counter Picks for Ambessa in LoL

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Image Credit: Riot Games

Ambessa will be the last champion Riot Games release in 2024. She will be released on patch 14.22 and is one of the most mobile champions they have ever made. She is a mix of Kayn, K’Sante, Zed, and many other champions in the game.

This my guide will explain several tips and tricks to help you play against her. Knowing how to play against any champion in League of Legends is essential because if you don’t understand what she wants to do, you will struggle to beat her. If you read this guide and take this information and advice into your games against her, you will limit her strengths and prevent her from overtaking the game.

She is a champion with a lot of all-in potential and mobility tools. This makes her quite challenging to play against. This is why you must understand how to counter her and what to do against her. Here at Tacter, I have already created an article that provides tips and tricks to counter Ambessa, but in this guide, I will list five champions that can be good against her and whom we recommend you pick against.

1. How Zac Counters Ambessa in the Top Lane

Zac and Ambessa are two champions with distinct strengths in League of Legends, each offering unique ways to impact the game. While Ambessa thrives as a duelist with her mix of mobility, sustain, and burst damage, Zac's kit provides a strong counterplay to her playstyle in the top lane. Here's how Zac can effectively counter Ambessa:

  1. Sustain Through Passive and Healing

Zac's Passive - Cell Division and ability to heal by absorbing blobs allow him to sustain through Ambessa's high-damage combos. Even if Ambessa lands her heavy-hitting abilities, Zac can often outlast her in extended trades or disengage safely to regenerate health. This is especially effective against Ambessa's ultimate, Public Execution, where Zac's ability to survive and reposition can negate her snowball potential.

  1. Poking and Disrupting Ambessa

Zac's Q - Stretching Strikes is a versatile tool for countering Ambessa's aggression. By pulling Ambessa into nearby minions or other enemies, Zac can disrupt her positioning and force her to play defensively. The slow applied by this ability makes it harder for her to follow up on her attacks or escape after failed engages.

  1. Mobility Denies Ambessa's Combos

Ambessa relies heavily on chaining her abilities with her Passive - Drakehound’s Step to close gaps and deal damage. Zac's E - Elastic Slingshot gives him excellent mobility, allowing him to dodge crucial skills like Cunning Sweep / Sundering Slam (Q) or escape after baiting her cooldowns. This mobility also enables Zac to set up surprise ganks or counter-engages, turning the tables on Ambessa when she overcommits.

  1. Zone Control and Crowd Control

Zac's W - Unstable Matter and R - Let's Bounce! excel in disrupting and controlling fights, particularly in confined areas like the top lane. Ambessa's reliance on staying close to her target to maximize her damage output makes her vulnerable to Zac's crowd control abilities. The knock-ups and slows from Let's Bounce! can significantly hinder her ability to follow through with her combos, giving Zac's team ample time to respond.

  1. Scaling Advantage

While Ambessa shines in early skirmishes, Zac’s scaling potential becomes more apparent as the game progresses. His tankiness and utility in team fights make him a more impactful champion in the mid-to-late game. By playing patiently and focusing on farming, Zac can mitigate Ambessa's early-game power and become a frontline menace that Ambessa struggles to deal with.

  1. Tips for Playing Zac Against Ambessa
  • Avoid overcommitting in the early game: Ambessa's strong dueling potential can punish Zac if he fights without blobs nearby to heal. Focus on farming and trading only when her key abilities are on cooldown.
  • Abuse Zac’s CC in skirmishes: Use your Q and R to keep Ambessa away from your squishier allies during team fights.
  • Coordinate with your jungler: Zac’s crowd control and gap-closing abilities make him an excellent setup champion for ganks, particularly against immobile enemies like Ambessa after she uses her E or ultimate.
  1. Conclusion

While Ambessa boasts strong dueling potential and high burst damage, Zac's sustain, mobility, and crowd control make him a formidable counter in the top lane. By playing patiently and leveraging his utility, Zac can neutralize Ambessa’s strengths and take control of the lane. With proper positioning and well-timed engages, Zac not only survives but thrives against Ambessa in any matchup.

Zac Runes (Ambessa)


Zac Abilities (Ambessa)

Unstable Matter
Elastic Slingshot
Stretching Strikes
Stretching Strikes
Unstable Matter
Elastic Slingshot
Let's Bounce!

Zac spells (Ambessa)


Zac Items (Ambessa)

Doran's Shield
Doran's Shield
Health Potion
Health Potion
Stealth Ward
Stealth Ward

2. How Wukong Counters Ambessa in the Top Lane

Wukong and Ambessa are two formidable champions in the top lane, each with unique abilities and playstyles. While Ambessa is a powerful duelist with high burst damage and sustain, Wukong's mobility, deception, and ability to disrupt fights make him a strong counter to Ambessa. Here’s how Wukong can effectively counter Ambessa in the top lane:

  1. Mobility to Dodge Ambessa’s Abilities

Ambessa relies on landing key abilities like Cunning Sweep (Q) or Lacerate (E) to deal significant damage and gain control in trades. Wukong's E - Nimbus Strike allows him to dash in quickly, making it harder for Ambessa to predict his movements. Additionally, W - Warrior Trickster grants him invisibility and a repositioning dash, which can help him avoid Ambessa’s second cast of Sundering Slam or the suppress-and-stun effect of her ultimate, Public Execution.

  1. Armor Shred and Sustain Damage

Ambessa gains armor penetration through her ultimate's passive, but Wukong's Q - Crushing Blow can counter her durability by reducing her armor. This ability synergizes with Wukong’s consistent damage output, allowing him to punish Ambessa even through her shields from Repudiation (W). By consistently landing Crushing Blow, Wukong ensures that Ambessa cannot comfortably build up defenses during trades.

  1. Deception Through Clones

Wukong’s W - Warrior Trickster is a game-changer in this matchup. The clone not only deceives Ambessa but also deals damage to nearby enemies. This can disrupt Ambessa’s attempts to time her empowered abilities, particularly if she braces for damage during Repudiation. The confusion caused by the clone also opens opportunities for Wukong to reposition and strike when Ambessa is vulnerable.

  1. Strong Engagement and Disruption in Fights

Ambessa excels in sustained fights, especially when she can repeatedly trigger Drakehound’s Step for enhanced attack speed and damage. However, Wukong's R - Cyclone provides an effective counter to her playstyle. The knock-up interrupts Ambessa’s combos and prevents her from capitalizing on her passive dashes. Additionally, the movement speed boost from Cyclone allows Wukong to chase Ambessa or disengage when needed.

  1. Superior Scaling in Team Fights

While Ambessa thrives in duels and small skirmishes, Wukong’s utility in team fights gives him the edge in the mid-to-late game. His ability to dive into the backline with Nimbus Strike and disrupt multiple enemies with Cyclone makes him a more impactful presence. Even if Ambessa builds tanky to survive the lane, Wukong's percentage-based health regeneration from Stone Skin (Passive) ensures he can remain relevant in extended fights.

  1. Tips for Playing Wukong Against Ambessa
  • Bait her cooldowns: Use Warrior Trickster to bait out Ambessa’s key abilities like Lacerate (E) or Repudiation (W), then re-engage when her abilities are on cooldown.
  • Trade wisely: Utilize Crushing Blow to shred Ambessa’s armor during trades and disengage before she can stack multiple dashes from her passive.
  • Position carefully in team fights: Focus on using Cyclone to disrupt Ambessa’s impact, either by knocking her away from your carries or interrupting her ultimate.
  • Build anti-sustain items: Consider items like Executioner’s Calling to reduce the healing she gains from her ultimate's passive.
  1. Conclusion

Ambessa's high burst damage and mobility make her a formidable top-lane opponent, but Wukong's kit offers plenty of tools to counter her playstyle. With deceptive mobility, armor shredding, and powerful disruption through crowd control, Wukong can outmaneuver and outlast Ambessa in the top lane. By playing intelligently and leveraging his strengths, Wukong can not only neutralize Ambessa but also secure advantages for his team as the game progresses.


Wukong Runes (Ambessa)


Wukong Spells (Ambessa)


Wukong Abilities (Ambessa)

Crushing Blow
Nimbus Strike
Warrior Trickster
Crushing Blow
Warrior Trickster
Nimbus Strike

Wukong Items (Ambessa)

Doran's Blade
Doran's Blade
Health Potion
Health Potion
Stealth Ward
Stealth Ward

3. How Warwick Counters Ambessa in the Top Lane

Warwick and Ambessa are champions with distinct kits that shine in different scenarios. While Ambessa dominates through aggressive dashes, powerful bursts, and sustained damage, Warwick’s sustain, crowd control, and anti-burst potential make him a strong counter to Ambessa in the top lane. Here’s how Warwick counters Ambessa effectively:

  1. Lifesteal and Sustain Outlast Ambessa’s Burst

Ambessa relies on landing her powerful abilities, like Cunning Sweep (Q) and Sundering Slam, to chunk her opponent’s health. However, Warwick’s Passive - Eternal Hunger gives him incredible sustain, especially when he falls below 50% health. This healing triples at low health, allowing Warwick to outlast Ambessa even during extended trades or when she uses her Ultimate - Public Execution.

Additionally, Q - Jaws of the Beast enables Warwick to deal percentage max health damage while healing a significant amount. This counters Ambessa's shield from Repudiation (W) and punishes her for committing to extended trades.

  1. Crowd Control Denies Ambessa’s Mobility

Ambessa’s Passive - Drakehound’s Step grants her dashes after using abilities, making her highly mobile in fights. However, Warwick’s E - Primal Howl can negate this advantage. The damage reduction allows Warwick to tank her burst, and the fear disrupts her mobility and ability to follow up on her combos.

Moreover, R - Infinite Duress provides a powerful suppression tool that locks Ambessa down, preventing her from using her mobility or abilities. This is particularly effective in neutralizing her ultimate or interrupting her aggressive trades.

  1. Blood Hunt Capitalizes on Ambessa’s Low Health

Ambessa thrives in sustained fights where she can heal through her Ultimate Passive. However, Warwick’s W - Blood Hunt makes her healing risky. When Ambessa’s health drops below 50%, Warwick gains increased movement speed and attack speed, allowing him to close gaps and secure kills. If her health falls below 20%, these bonuses triple, ensuring Warwick can chase and finish her off before she can recover or escape.

  1. Natural Tankiness Counters Ambessa’s Armor Penetration

Ambessa’s ultimate grants her bonus armor penetration, which can shred through squishier opponents or champions relying solely on armor. However, Warwick’s kit includes innate tankiness through his E - Primal Howl, which reduces incoming damage. This allows Warwick to soak up her burst and survive her combos without heavy investment in resistances.

  1. Punishing Overcommitment

Ambessa excels in engaging with her abilities, but she struggles against champions that can out-sustain or disengage her after she commits. Warwick thrives in these situations:

  • Primal Howl’s Fear forces her to retreat or lose control in trades.
  • Jaws of the Beast’s Sustain lets Warwick heal back after Ambessa’s burst.
  • Blood Hunt’s Bonuses ensure she cannot escape if she overcommits and falls low on health.
  1. Tips for Playing Warwick Against Ambessa
  • Trade Smartly with Jaws of the Beast: Use Warwick’s Q to heal during trades and mitigate Ambessa’s damage, especially if she activates Sundering Slam (Q) or her ultimate.
  • Time Primal Howl Well: Activate E to reduce incoming damage during her burst and re-cast it to fear her when she dashes aggressively.
  • Chase When She’s Low: Use Blood Hunt to capitalize on her weakened state after extended trades. Warwick’s movement speed and attack speed bonuses ensure she cannot disengage safely.
  • Build Sustain and Anti-Heal: While Warwick already has strong sustain, building items like Thornmail or Executioner’s Calling will limit Ambessa’s healing from her ultimate.
  1. Conclusion

Ambessa’s burst and mobility make her a fearsome top-lane opponent, but Warwick’s sustain, crowd control, and ability to punish low-health champions make him a strong counter. By timing his abilities wisely and leveraging his sustain in trades, Warwick can outlast and outplay Ambessa in both the laning phase and extended fights. Through strategic gameplay, Warwick can neutralize Ambessa’s strengths and dominate the top lane matchup.

Warwick Runes (Ambessa)


Warwick Abilities (Ambessa)

Jaws of the Beast
Blood Hunt
Primal Howl
Jaws of the Beast
Blood Hunt
Primal Howl
Infinite Duress

Warwick Spells (Ambessa)


Warwick Items (Ambessa)

Doran's Blade
Doran's Blade
Health Potion
Health Potion
Stealth Ward
Stealth Ward

How Camille Counters Ambessa in the Top Lane

Camille and Ambessa are two versatile champions who excel in duels and small skirmishes, but Camille has several tools in her kit that allow her to effectively counter Ambessa in the top lane. With her mobility, burst damage, and ability to deny Ambessa's strengths, Camille can dominate this matchup when played correctly.

  1. Mobility to Outplay Ambessa’s Abilities

Ambessa’s abilities often require precise positioning to land effectively, particularly her Q - Cunning Sweep / Sundering Slam and E - Lacerate. Camille’s E - Hookshot gives her unmatched mobility to avoid these abilities or engage on Ambessa when she overextends. By staying unpredictable with Hookshot, Camille can force Ambessa to miss key abilities and lose trades.

Additionally, Camille’s R - Hextech Ultimatum anchors Ambessa within a defined area, preventing her from dashing away with Drakehound’s Step (Passive). This ensures that Camille can consistently land her damage and deny Ambessa’s mobility advantage.

  1. Superior Sustain and Shields

Ambessa relies heavily on burst damage and follow-up dashes to win trades. Camille’s Passive - Adaptive Defenses gives her a shield that blocks Ambessa’s damage type (physical or magical), allowing Camille to mitigate her burst effectively.

Camille’s W - Tactical Sweep further enhances her sustain by providing healing when hitting enemies in the outer cone. This makes her incredibly durable during extended trades and allows her to recover from Ambessa’s initial burst.

  1. Consistent Damage Output

Ambessa thrives in short, impactful trades where she can utilize her shields and armor penetration from Repudiation (W) and Public Execution (R). However, Camille’s Q - Precision Protocol grants her consistent, reliable damage in both short bursts and extended fights. The bonus true damage on the second cast of Precision Protocol pierces through Ambessa’s shields, making it difficult for her to mitigate Camille’s damage.

  1. Trading Advantage in Lane

Camille’s Tactical Sweep (W) is an excellent poke and zoning tool against Ambessa. By positioning herself to hit the outer edge of the cone, Camille can slow Ambessa and heal herself while maintaining a safe distance. This makes it difficult for Ambessa to retaliate or engage effectively.

When Ambessa commits to a trade using her Q or E, Camille can disengage with Hookshot or re-engage to punish her during cooldown windows.

  1. Denying Ambessa’s All-In Potential

Ambessa’s Ultimate - Public Execution is a devastating tool for locking down targets and dealing burst damage while healing herself. However, Camille’s Hextech Ultimatum counters this by isolating Ambessa and denying her ability to target other champions. This allows Camille to focus Ambessa without worrying about her dashing to other targets or repositioning.

  1. Tips for Playing Camille Against Ambessa
  • Utilize Adaptive Defenses: Time your basic attacks to trigger the shield from Passive - Adaptive Defenses, reducing the impact of Ambessa’s burst damage.
  • Play Around Hookshot: Use E - Hookshot strategically to dodge Ambessa’s key abilities like Sundering Slam (Q) or to disengage after winning a trade.
  • Zone with Tactical Sweep: Poke with W to maintain lane dominance and force Ambessa to overextend.
  • Punish Cooldowns: Ambessa’s abilities, particularly Repudiation (W) and Public Execution (R), have significant cooldowns. Look to engage when these are unavailable.
  • Build Anti-Heal: Ambessa gains healing from her ultimate’s passive. Items like Executioner’s Calling or Thornmail can significantly reduce her sustain.
  1. Conclusion

Ambessa’s mobility and burst damage make her a challenging opponent, but Camille’s kit provides the tools to counter her effectively. With her shields, sustain, mobility, and strong single-target damage, Camille can outplay Ambessa in trades and deny her all-in potential. By playing strategically and capitalizing on Ambessa’s weaknesses, Camille can secure control of the lane and scale into a dominant mid-to-late-game presence.

Camille Runes (Ambessa)


Camille Spells (Ambessa)


Camille Items (Ambessa)

Doran's Blade
Doran's Blade
Stealth Ward
Stealth Ward

Camille Abilities (Ambessa)

Precision Protocol
Tactical Sweep
Precision Protocol
Tactical Sweep
The Hextech Ultimatum

5. How Renekton Counters Ambessa in the Top Lane

Renekton and Ambessa are both champions designed to thrive in melee combat and exert dominance in the laning phase. However, Renekton’s sustain, burst potential, and ability to mitigate Ambessa’s strengths make him a strong counterpick in this matchup. Below, we’ll explore how Renekton can leverage his kit to counter Ambessa effectively in the top lane.

  1. Dominating Early Trades with Burst and Sustain

Ambessa relies on extended trades to stack her Passive - Drakehound’s Step and deal sustained damage. Renekton, on the other hand, excels at short, explosive trades that punish Ambessa’s relatively slow ability setup.

  • Cull the Meek (Q) provides healing and damage in an area around Renekton, allowing him to sustain through Ambessa’s poke and punish her for being in range. Empowering this ability with Fury increases both the healing and damage, giving Renekton a clear edge in extended fights.
  • Ruthless Predator (W) allows Renekton to stun Ambessa and disrupt her ability chains, limiting her damage output and preventing her from capitalizing on her dashes. By maintaining control of Fury, Renekton can consistently win trades, forcing Ambessa onto the defensive.
  1. Disrupting Ambessa’s Mobility and Shields

Ambessa’s mobility through Drakehound’s Step (Passive) and her shield from Repudiation (W) are key components of her survivability. Renekton’s Empowered Ruthless Predator (W) destroys shields and stuns Ambessa, effectively negating the benefits of her shield while setting up Renekton to deal devastating follow-up damage.

Additionally, Renekton’s Slice and Dice (E) allows him to chase Ambessa even if she uses her dashes to reposition. The empowered version reduces her armor, amplifying Renekton’s damage and making it easier to trade favorably.

  1. Sustained Damage and Survivability in Extended Fights

Ambessa gains sustain and damage from her Ultimate - Public Execution, which makes her a threat in longer fights. However, Renekton’s R - Dominus provides him with bonus health, an area-of-effect damage aura, and Fury generation, making him even deadlier in prolonged skirmishes.

  • While Ambessa benefits from her armor penetration, Renekton’s Dominus gives him the durability to withstand her burst and the sustained damage to fight back effectively.
  • Renekton’s innate healing from Cull the Meek further offsets any damage Ambessa deals, allowing him to remain in fights longer.
  1. Punishing Ambessa’s Cooldowns

Ambessa’s abilities, such as Sundering Slam (Q) and Repudiation (W), have significant cooldowns, particularly when not empowered by her dashes. Renekton can capitalize on these windows to engage aggressively with Slice and Dice (E) and Ruthless Predator (W), forcing unfavorable trades for Ambessa.

  1. Tips for Playing Renekton Against Ambessa
  • Maintain Fury for Empowered Abilities: Empower Ruthless Predator to break Ambessa’s shield and increase the stun duration, giving you the upper hand in trades.
  • Bait Out Ambessa’s Dashes: Use Slice and Dice to follow her dashes or escape if she overcommits.
  • Trade Around Cooldowns: Time your engages when Ambessa’s Repudiation (W) or Sundering Slam (Q) is on cooldown.
  • Use Dominus to Win All-Ins: Activate R - Dominus in extended trades or during all-ins to gain bonus health and damage, ensuring you can outlast Ambessa.
  • Build Anti-Heal: Ambessa’s sustain from her ultimate can be mitigated by items like Executioner’s Calling or Thornmail to limit her healing.
  1. Conclusion

While Ambessa’s mobility and sustained damage can be challenging, Renekton’s ability to disrupt her shield, chase her down, and out-sustain her in extended trades makes him a formidable counter. By playing aggressively, managing Fury, and timing his abilities to deny Ambessa’s strengths, Renekton can dominate this matchup and secure lane priority in the top lane.

Renekton Runes (Ambessa)


Renekton Spells (Ambessa)


Renekton Abilities

Cull the Meek
Slice and Dice
Ruthless Predator
Cull the Meek
Ruthless Predator
Slice and Dice

Renekton Items (Ambessa)

Doran's Blade
Doran's Blade
Health Potion
Health Potion
Stealth Ward
Stealth Ward

How Riven Counters Ambessa in the Top Lane

Riven and Ambessa are champions designed to dominate the top lane with high damage and mobility. However, Riven’s burst potential, crowd control, and ability to mitigate Ambessa’s strengths make her a strong counterpick. Here’s an in-depth analysis of how Riven can effectively counter Ambessa.

  1. Outmaneuvering Ambessa with Mobility

Ambessa relies heavily on her Passive - Drakehound’s Step to reposition during fights and maintain pressure with her attacks. However, Riven’s high mobility from Broken Wings (Q) and Valor (E) allows her to match or exceed Ambessa’s movements.

  • Riven’s Broken Wings provides three dashes, enabling her to dodge Ambessa’s skillshots like Cunning Sweep (Q) or avoid her Sundering Slam recast.
  • Valor (E) not only provides a shield but also lets Riven close the gap or escape Ambessa’s Repudiation (W) damage.

By using her dashes strategically, Riven can avoid Ambessa’s key abilities and maintain control over trades.

  1. Negating Ambessa’s Shield and Engaging Effectively

Ambessa’s Repudiation (W) grants her a shield and bonus damage, which makes her difficult to deal with in extended trades. However, Riven’s burst-heavy playstyle and shield from Valor (E) allow her to mitigate Ambessa’s damage while breaking through her defenses.

  • Riven’s Ki Burst (W) can stun Ambessa, interrupting her ability to chain abilities effectively.
  • By quickly bursting Ambessa with an empowered Broken Wings combo, Riven can avoid prolonged fights where Ambessa’s sustain and armor penetration become more threatening.
  1. Out-trading Ambessa in Short Combos

Ambessa thrives in drawn-out skirmishes where she can build up charges of Drakehound’s Step and heal through her Ultimate - Public Execution. Riven, on the other hand, excels at short trades that deal high burst damage and disengage before her opponent can retaliate.

  • Empowered attacks from Runic Blade (Passive) enhance Riven’s ability to deal significant damage in a short window.
  • Riven’s Blade of the Exile (R) increases her attack range and grants access to Wind Slash, a ranged execute that can finish off Ambessa even if she attempts to heal with her ultimate.
  1. Exploiting Ambessa’s Weaknesses

Ambessa’s cooldowns, particularly for Repudiation (W) and Cunning Sweep (Q), leave her vulnerable during downtime. Riven can exploit these gaps to engage aggressively and trade without fear of retaliation.

  • Riven’s cooldown-reduction-focused build synergizes well with her abilities, ensuring she always has tools to counter Ambessa’s aggression.
  • Ambessa’s Public Execution (R) can be mitigated with Valor (E) or dodged using Riven’s mobility.
  1. Building for the Matchup

To maximize her effectiveness against Ambessa, Riven should consider the following items and runes:

  • Goredrinker: Provides sustain and area damage, ideal for extended skirmishes.
  • Black Cleaver: Reduces Ambessa’s armor, amplifying Riven’s damage output.
  • Executioner’s Calling: Reduces Ambessa’s healing from Public Execution, preventing her from sustaining through fights.
  • Conqueror Rune: Amplifies Riven’s damage and healing during extended trades, countering Ambessa’s sustain.
  1. Tips for Playing Riven Against Ambessa
  • Trade Around Cooldowns: Engage when Ambessa’s key abilities, such as Repudiation (W) or Cunning Sweep (Q), are on cooldown.
  • Avoid Overcommitting: Use Riven’s mobility to disengage before Ambessa can stack her charges or activate her ultimate.
  • Save Stun for Key Moments: Use Ki Burst (W) to interrupt Ambessa’s abilities, especially her Sundering Slam or Public Execution.
  • Position Wisely: Stay in close quarters to avoid the edge damage of Cunning Sweep (Q) and minimize the impact of Ambessa’s ranged abilities.
  • Utilize Wind Slash: Time Wind Slash to execute Ambessa before she can sustain with her ultimate.
  1. Conclusion

Riven’s mobility, crowd control, and burst damage make her a strong counter to Ambessa. By dodging Ambessa’s abilities, exploiting her cooldowns, and engaging in short, decisive trades, Riven can dominate the lane and neutralize Ambessa’s impact. With the right strategy and itemization, Riven has all the tools needed to outplay and overcome Ambessa in the top lane.


Riven Runes (Ambessa)


Riven Spells (Ambessa)


Riven Abilities (Ambessa)

Broken Wings
Ki Burst
Broken Wings
Ki Burst
Blade of the Exile

Riven Items (Ambessa)

Doran's Blade
Doran's Blade
Health Potion
Health Potion
Stealth Ward
Stealth Ward

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Good luck to you! – Cheng

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Updated 3mo ago

Top 6 Counter Picks for Ambessa in LoL

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