Top Strongest URF Champions in League of Legends (LoL) [2025 Update]

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Ultra Rapid Fire (URF) is perhaps League of Legends' most famous Rotating Game Mode (RGM). The game mode either shows up with a normal draft, or with random champions like in ARAM. The rules are simple: all champions have 300 Ability Haste and no Mana or Energy costs.

This translates into absolutely chaotic gameplay, and an entirely new meta. Champions that dominate solo queue rarely work here, and some that you might've forgotten entirely about will be broken. These are the ten best champions for URF, ranked.

1. Kayle

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2. Tristana

Another massive tank-shredder with one of the most broken ultis for URF. Kayle can go full AP glass-cannon, AP bruiser with Riftmaker, mixed damage on-hit, whatever is best, really. She is a ticking time bomb, regardless, becoming nearly impossible to deal with when she reaches level 16.

Usually, the downside to this champion is that she is immobile and that her ulti has a really long cooldown. But guess what? It has no cooldown here, so she essentially has no downsides.

Coming in hot in the #2 spot is Tristana – the spunky, explosive Yordle cannon master boasting a 62.56% URF win rate. With zero mana constraints, Tristana becomes an all-out missile barrage in URF, bombarding enemies with super-charged explosives. Her Rapid Fire grants max stacks instantly, letting her machine gun down foes and structures with hyper-attack speed.

Combined with her long-range for safety, enormous burst potential from her skills, and a rocket jump to reposition or finish kills, Tristana relentlessly pummels her foes into oblivion. To amplify her auto-attack devastation, core items are Kraken Slayer for true damage procs, Infinity Edge to crit like a truck, and Bloodthirster for dueling sustain.

With this holy trinity of AD carry items, Tristana’s mini-gun melts tanks and squishies alike in seconds while keeping her health topped off. She excels at scoring early solo kills with her URF-powered combos, then snowballs out of control to ace entire teams herself. Whether firing away safely from range or blasting in with jump resets for Pentakills, Tristana brings the pain to another level.

3. Fizz

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Fizz is one of the classic URF picks. He is quite dangerous in a normal Summoner's Rift game, but with his untargetable E on a cooldown below two seconds, he becomes a true nightmare. Not only can he one-shot you with his normal glass-cannon Ability Power build, he has an extra trick up his sleeve in this game mode.

Tank Fizz is actually viable in URF, and is extremely powerful. You just go Iceborn Gauntlet into full tank items, turning into an immortal fish that slowly but surely suffocates your enemies.

4. Smolder

Smolder is LoL’s best infinitely scaling champion at taking advantage of the URF Ability Haste. He can go full AP, bruiser mage, full crit, and anything in between. Regardless of which build path you choose, you’ll be a nightmare for your enemies.

With no CD on his abilities, he stacks his passive ridiculously fast, while having an excellent defensive tool on his E always at the ready. His execute is also completely unbalanced, which makes getting kills with him very easy. You’ll reach 225 stacks so quickly that you’ll often snowball out of control before your enemies can even respond.

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5. Jinx

Coming in hot in the #2 spot is Tristana – the spunky, explosive Yordle cannon master boasting a 62.56% URF win rate. With zero mana constraints, Tristana becomes an all-out missile barrage in URF, bombarding enemies with super-charged explosives. Her Rapid Fire grants max stacks instantly, letting her machine gun down foes and structures with hyper-attack speed.

Combined with her long-range for safety, enormous burst potential from her skills, and a rocket jump to reposition or finish kills, Tristana relentlessly pummels her foes into oblivion. To amplify her auto-attack devastation, core items are Kraken Slayer for true damage procs, Infinity Edge to crit like a truck, and Bloodthirster for dueling sustain.

With this holy trinity of AD carry items, Tristana’s mini-gun melts tanks and squishies alike in seconds while keeping her health topped off. She excels at scoring early solo kills with her URF-powered combos, then snowballs out of control to ace entire teams herself. Whether firing away safely from range or blasting in with jump resets for Pentakills, Tristana brings the pain to another level.

The third ADC on the list, and another versatile menace. Jinx can go full lethality and become a W+R artillery unit, or a normal crit/Attack Speed build with Lethal Tempo and get to such high AS numbers that her rocket launcher will shoot like a minigun.

Not only is she flexible in her builds, she is the champion that benefits the most from URF's 2x multipler on Attack Speed from items, due to her passive.

6. Sion

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7. Shen

Sion is the perfect tank in URF due to his survivability. Although his early game can be difficult against ranged enemies, he gets very resilient after he gets Heartsteel and stacks his W. Unending Despair is incredibly overpowered in this game mode, increasing damage and Ability Haste.

Even though he is tanky and has lots of HP, he is vulnerable to champions that deal a percentage max health damage, like Vayne. These champions quickly go through his health bar and limit his usefulness in certain matchups. Despite these weaknesses, Sion’s ability to absorb damage and disrupt enemies makes him powerful in URF team fights.

In Ultra Rapid Fire mode, tanks are extremely strong due to some of the newest League items added this season, including Unending Despair and Fimbulwinter, the latter of which makes Shen an unbreakable bastion for his teammates.

When in combat with champions, Unending Despair deals passive magic damage to enemies around the user every seven seconds, while also healing the user for some of the damage dealt. Fimbulwinter, on the other hand, gives a shield whenever the user immobilizes or slows an enemy, making Shen an unkillable tank that can soak up damage, self-sustain, and lock down groups of enemies with ease through his taunt.

8. Karthus

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Sometimes you just want to annoy your opponents. If that is the way you roll, Karthus is your pick in URF. As mana is basically infinite you can keep your E on indefinitely and your other abilities can also be spammed to your heart’s content.

His Ultimate “Requiem” ensures your high damage output even in the late game. Put keep in mind that most opponents will purchase hour glasses to counteract you.

9. Annie

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10. Zac

Annie is infamous for her One-Shots and Flash Ultimates. Two things you can abuse even more in URF. As your summoner spells also have a lower cooldown you can use your combo a lot more often. Her Ultimate is almost a One-Shot on every opponent, a fact you should exploit to the fullest in URF’s low cooldown environment.

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Zac in URF is a durable frontline champion with exceptional healing, crowd control, and damage. His passive allows him to regenerate health by picking up blobs, making him incredibly tanky. His abilities provide strong crowd control, with Elastic Slingshot (E) for long-range engages and Let's Bounce! (R) for disrupting enemies. With reduced cooldowns in URF, Zac can continuously dive, heal, and disrupt fights while dealing consistent magic damage.


In the mayhem-filled world of URF 2024, The above champions reign supreme as must-pick powerhouses. By combining their heavy burst damage and crowd control with low-cooldown abilities, they easily control the chaotic carnage.

These overloaded champions will continue dominating the top win rates thanks to versatile kits that capitalize on URF’s frantic gameplay. Whether you want to dish out the pain or contribute game-changing stuns, mastering these chart-topping champs is critical for claiming victory on the URF rift.

If you don’t know how to build the champion you’re playing in URF, you can refer to this guide! As for me, I build based on each match.

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Updated 22d ago

Top Strongest URF Champions in League of Legends (LoL) [2025 Update]

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