Twitch: The Plague Rat of League of Legends
Twitch, known as the Plague Rat, is a marksman champion in League of Legends. Famous for his stealthy gameplay and devastating late-game power, Twitch is a unique AD carry who thrives on spreading chaos among enemies with his poison-based abilities. His playstyle revolves around sneaky engagements, high burst damage, and shredding entire teams with his ultimate, Spray and Pray. However, mastering Twitch requires understanding his strengths, weaknesses, and optimal usage of his abilities.
Strengths and Weaknesses of Twitch
- Strengths:
- High Damage Output: Twitch’s abilities scale exceptionally well, especially in the late game. His passive, Deadly Venom, adds true damage over time, while his ultimate, Spray and Pray, allows him to pierce through multiple enemies, dealing massive AoE damage.
- Stealth Mechanic: Ambush (Q) provides Twitch with camouflage, enabling him to reposition, escape, or ambush unsuspecting targets. This makes him a potent assassin-like marksman.
- Area Control: Venom Cask (W) offers crowd control and enhances his ability to kite enemies, as it slows them and applies stacks of Deadly Venom.
- Reset Potential: Ambush’s cooldown resets when an enemy champion infected with Deadly Venom dies, allowing Twitch to snowball during extended fights.
- Teamfight Presence: With proper positioning and Spray and Pray, Twitch can single-handedly turn the tide of teamfights by dealing consistent damage to multiple enemies.
- Weaknesses:
- Squishy and Vulnerable: Like most AD carries, Twitch has low durability and is highly susceptible to crowd control and burst damage.
- Dependent on Positioning: To maximize his damage output, Twitch relies heavily on proper positioning, especially during teamfights.
- Weak Early Game: Twitch’s early-game presence is relatively weak compared to other marksmen. He requires items to unlock his true potential.
- High Skill Ceiling: Utilizing Ambush effectively and timing Spray and Pray in teamfights demand skill and game knowledge.
- Mana Dependency: Twitch’s abilities, especially Venom Cask and Contaminate, can quickly drain his mana if used recklessly.
Twitch Tips and Tricks
- Master Ambush Usage: Use Ambush not only for engaging but also for repositioning during fights. It’s a great tool for escaping sticky situations or surprising the enemy backline.
- Stack Up Deadly Venom: Ensure that your auto-attacks apply multiple stacks of Deadly Venom before using Contaminate (E) for maximum damage.
- Zone with Venom Cask: Throw Venom Cask into chokepoints or retreat paths to slow enemies and force unfavorable engagements.
- Ultimate Positioning: Spray and Pray can decimate teams if you position yourself well. Aim to line up multiple enemies or hit priority targets while staying safe from crowd control.
- Abuse Fog of War: Twitch’s stealth mechanic synergizes well with vision denial. Use control wards and sweepers to remain unseen and ambush enemies effectively.
- Split Push Potential: In the mid to late game, Twitch’s stealth allows him to apply pressure in side lanes while escaping dangerous scenarios when needed.
Twitch Summoner Spells

Twitch Runes

Twitch Items

Twitch Skill Order

Twitch Ability Combos
- Q + W + AA + AA + R + AA + AA + E: When you want to save your ult for a chase down Q and once in stealth W your target then AA. Once they get out of range R and continue to AA with E as a final burst of damage.
- W + AA + AA + AA + E: Your basic trade is to W and AA until you have max Deadly Venom stacks then E.
- Q + AA + W + AA + AA + AA + E: For your bread and butter stealth opener use Q, then once in stealth walk up to AA W. Follow up with more AA's until you want to deal burst damage with E.
- AA + W + Q + AA + AA + AA + E + AA + AA + AA: For an early all in AA then instantly W Q followed by more AA's until you have max Deadly Venom stacks, then E.
- Q + W + R + AA + AA + AA + E: To open up from stealth during a teamfight use Q, then once in stealth W your target and instantly R and AA, using E at max passive stacks.
- W + R + Q + AA + AA + AA + E + AA + AA: To get involved in a fight from long range W R Q as quickly as you can then continue to AA. Instantly E on max stacks of your passive and continue to AA.
- Q + W + FLASH + R + AA + AA + E + AA + AA: Turn a fight in your favor by using Q then W and Flashing away from your target. Wait to get into stealth and turn back, hit R then continue to AA and E at max passive stacks.
- Q + B: For a neat return to base trick, Q then B anytime before you actually go into stealth.
Game plan
- Early game
- Play safe for the first few levels. You need time to come online and you shouldn’t be fighting unless you have a clear early advantage.
- After destroying the bottom lane tower, rotate to the mid lane and try to take that tower. This will open up the map and give your team a gold lead.
- Once you have a few levels under your belt, you can start to play aggressive and look for aggressive plays. You benefit from extended trades, so try to go for them frequently.
- Twitch's early game is pretty strong as he can poke enemies down with his Contaminate E while slowing them with his Venom Cask W. The lane brushes will help him a lot.
- Level six is a colossal power spike as it allows Twitch to impact and disrupt fights massively. It will be a devastating tool in clumped fights.
- His first item component will increase his dueling potential significantly. His ability to dish out damage in the lane will also skyrocket.
- Mid game
- Try and stick with your Support throughout the mid-game. You’re quite vulnerable and easy to kill if you’re on your own. By staying with your Support, your survivability will increase.
- Continue picking up farm in the side lanes when no team fights are occurring, but spend as little time away from your team. You need gold and XP to buy items and if you fall behind, it will be unlikely that you’ll be able to dish out damage in fights.
- Look for picks with your Support/Jungler to get kills and increase your lead. If you kill a key target, you could make the call for Baron.
- His first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This will significantly boost his damage and let her one-shot squishies if they take many auto-attacks from Twitch.
- Once he has 2 points in his Ultimate Spray and Pray R, he will easily be able to take over team fights and disrupt them as well. His positioning will matter a lot.
- Twitch is really good in mid-game fights as he can overrun the enemies down if they are clumped together. That, combined with his Venom Cask W slow and life-steal, will prevent him from dying.
- Late game
- Just like in the mid-game, you should stick with your Support throughout the later parts of the game. Do not go around the map alone as you will die easily.
- Do not play super aggressive in team fights. Just kite and auto-attack the nearest enemy champion. If you walk too far forward, the enemy will focus you and take you down.
- Continue to kite in team fights and consistently adapt your positioning. Avoid standing still in fights as you’ll be an easy target.
- Three points in his Ultimate Spray and Pray R will give him a huge power spike. The ability will be up frequently, allowing him to secure picks when possible.
- His life steal and damage during the late game will make him really good in team fights. He will just need to maintain proper positioning and use his Ambush Q and Contaminate E at the right time.
- He will have multiple items during this phase of the game. It will allow him to dish out tons of damage. Prolonged team fights will see him winning effortlessly.
Twitch is a thrilling champion to play, offering a mix of stealth, high damage, and teamfight impact. While his squishiness and reliance on positioning make him a challenging champion to master, his potential to carry games is immense in the hands of a skilled player. By understanding his abilities and implementing strategic gameplay, you can unleash the true power of the Plague Rat and leave your enemies poisoned and defeated on the Rift.
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Good luck to you! – Cheng