Urgot- Why him?
Urgot is an INSANELY strong laner. You cannot beat him from level 1-6 and then it's not getting better. Team fights aren't that good but because of your passive they still are really easy and winnable. Also your R fears champions so it's easy to win lane as well with fights. The only big con about him is that he can't really win vs ranged champions. I will say everything below. What will you know after the guide:
Laning Phase
How good is he and should you play him
![Corrosive Charge](https://raw.communitydragon.org/latest/plugins/rcp-be-lol-game-data/global/default/assets/characters/urgot/hud/icons2d/urgot_q.png)
![Corrosive Charge](https://raw.communitydragon.org/latest/plugins/rcp-be-lol-game-data/global/default/assets/characters/urgot/hud/icons2d/urgot_q.png)
![Fear Beyond Death](https://raw.communitydragon.org/latest/plugins/rcp-be-lol-game-data/global/default/assets/characters/urgot/hud/icons2d/urgot_r.png)
Q- You throw a projectile on the floor which deals dmg, slows enemies and marks them so your W focuses them first.
W- Machine gun, you shoot more projectile and trigger your passive but your on-hits are weaker as well as your dmg per shot (overall better dps)
E- Dash in front of you, shield you and throw the enemy behind you as well as stun them. R- You shoot an arrow which deals enemy hp, slows them for a % the lower their hp is and if they are below 25% you can execute an enemy.
Passive- There are 6 directions. In every directions you can shoot a shotgun per cooldown which scales with your lvl. It is triggered by attacks on W too. One of the strongest things in Urgot's whole kit.
You can check them on any kind of counters site BUT Urgot is the worst vs ranged or/and REALLY mobile champions. The only champion you can fight which is MOBILE and Ranged is kennen which has a 44% winrate vs Urgot. Overall good experience vs meele and bad vs ranged and/or mobile champions.
Vs squishy comps (you can exchange runes for tenacity if you need to)
Laning phase
In laning phase you plan to trade from levels 1-3 and then you play more passively until a big powerspike (such like level 6 or item). Over all the laning phase isn't that hard but can be significantly worse vs certain matchups like VAYNE.
![Doran's Blade](https://raw.communitydragon.org/latest/plugins/rcp-be-lol-game-data/global/default/assets/items/icons2d/1055_marksman_t1_doransblade.png)
![Doran's Shield](https://raw.communitydragon.org/latest/plugins/rcp-be-lol-game-data/global/default/assets/items/icons2d/1054_tank_t1_doransshield.png)
![Health Potion](https://raw.communitydragon.org/latest/plugins/rcp-be-lol-game-data/global/default/assets/items/icons2d/2003_class_t1_healthpotion.png)
Doran shield vs ranged and trade/poke matchups
Doran sword vs easy meele matchups
![Plated Steelcaps](https://raw.communitydragon.org/latest/plugins/rcp-be-lol-game-data/global/default/assets/items/icons2d/3047_class_t2_ninjatabi.png)
![Mercury's Treads](https://raw.communitydragon.org/latest/plugins/rcp-be-lol-game-data/global/default/assets/items/icons2d/3111_class_t2_mercurystreads.png)
Yeah probably boots of swiftness aren't the best for Urgot because he needs a lot of resistances.
Plated vs AD champions
Mercury vs AP and CC
Also for the boots you need to look vs enemy champion in lane since you might want to get boots to play an easier lane instead of playing vs an entire team comp.
![Black Cleaver](https://raw.communitydragon.org/latest/plugins/rcp-be-lol-game-data/global/default/assets/items/icons2d/3071_fighter_t3_blackcleaver.png)
![Sterak's Gage](https://raw.communitydragon.org/latest/plugins/rcp-be-lol-game-data/global/default/assets/items/icons2d/3053_steraks_gage.png)
![Titanic Hydra](https://raw.communitydragon.org/latest/plugins/rcp-be-lol-game-data/global/default/assets/items/icons2d/3748_fighter_t3_titanichydra.png)
![Death's Dance](https://raw.communitydragon.org/latest/plugins/rcp-be-lol-game-data/global/default/assets/items/icons2d/6333_fighter_t3_deathsdance.png)
![Chempunk Chainsword](https://raw.communitydragon.org/latest/plugins/rcp-be-lol-game-data/global/default/assets/items/icons2d/6609_fighter_t3_chempunkchainsword.png)
Black Cleaver when enemy has a lot of armor and you need health and more dmg.
Sterak's Gage is one of the best items overall S14. Nothing more, nothing less.
Hullbreaker IS ONE OF THE BEST ITEMS FOR URGOT. It can be applied on your W so you can really easily take down enemy towers.
Titanic Hydra Entirely for wave clear since you dont really need the auto attack reset, you just benefit from the fact that it makes bonus dmg for waves and enemies.
Death's Dance Good for armor and ad. You shield a lot so it can really be game changing.
Chempunk is a good antiheal option. Just pick it up vs champions that heal a lot.
S14 14.4 Urgot
Urgot is a strong champion with few cons and a lot of pros. I recommend to pick him vs meele matchups since he wins most of them. To the point he is really strong right now and I would put him in S tier since he is not that hard to pick up and easy to master.
In my opinion you should try out Urgot because what do you loose if he isn't the right champion for you?