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ViegoThe Ruined King


Viego loves to go for long fights, so having Conqueror for the extra sustain and damage is perfect for him.





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Win Conditions
- Your Harrowed Path is a very versatile tool. You can use it on towers to make split pushing much more effective thanks to the bonus attack speed.
- While your Ultimate Heartbreaker should be used for fighting the enemy, it can be a good tool to escape or run away from someone. You can use it to jump over walls and make an escape.
- Use your Harrowed Path to reposition in team fights. Play around your cooldowns to make full use of the camouflage.
Weak Against
- Rammus: Rammus's high armor and defensive abilities, especially his W, make it challenging for Viego's early-game physical damage to have a significant impact.
- Zac: Zac's sustain and crowd control abilities provide him with good trading potential and the ability to disrupt Viego's engages.
- Lillia: Lillia's poke, mobility, and crowd control with her Q and E make it difficult for Viego to sustain in the lane. Lillia can kite Viego effectively, poking him down from a distance.
Strong Against
- Kindred: Viego's ability to dive into the backline and eliminate squishy targets makes him strong against Kindred. Viego can quickly close the gap using his R.
- Jarvan IV: Viego can use his ultimate to dodge Jarvan IV's engage attempts with his R and burst him down before Jarvan can effectively use his tankiness and crowd control.
- Sejuani: Viego can outmaneuver Sejuani's crowd control and kite her effectively. His ultimate allows him to dash through Sejuani's team and get to the backline carries.
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Game Strategy
- Early Game: In the early game, Viego should focus on efficient farming, utilizing his Q and W for clear speed. Look for opportunities to gank overextended lanes, using your Harrowed Path (E) to close the gap and apply crowd control. Secure Scuttle Crabs, maintain vision control, and be mindful of enemy jungler's movements.
- Mid Game: During the mid game, Viego becomes a potent skirmisher and assassin. Continue farming, but prioritize joining your team for skirmishes and objectives. Use your Heartbreaker (R) to engage fights or assassinate isolated enemies, transforming into them with your passive to go crazy.
- Late Game: In the late game, Viego transitions into a powerful teamfighter and carry assassin. Join your team, focusing on catching high-priority targets with your crowd control and assassination abilities. Utilize your Heartbreaker to engage or disengage fights, transforming into enemy carries and using their abilities to your advantage.