Viktor Mid Lane Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities

Viktorthe Machine Herald


Viktor, the Machine Herald, is a powerful mage in League of Legends who thrives on controlling fights with his area-of-effect abilities and scaling power. With his unique passive, Glorious Evolution, Viktor gains the ability to augment his spells, enhancing their utility and damage. As a mid-lane champion, Viktor offers exceptional wave-clear, zone control, and late-game scaling, making him a formidable presence on the Rift.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Viktor

  1. Strengths:

Scaling Power: Viktor’s passive, Glorious Evolution, allows him to upgrade his abilities, significantly increasing his damage and utility as the game progresses.

Wave Clear: Death Ray (E) provides excellent wave-clear and poke, allowing Viktor to control the pace of the lane and apply pressure to his opponents.

Zone Control: Gravity Field (W) is a powerful tool for crowd control, slowing and stunning enemies, making Viktor highly effective in team fights and objective setups.

High Burst Damage: Viktor’s ability to combo his spells, especially with the augmentations, allows him to deal massive damage to grouped enemies.

Flexibility: Augmenting his abilities lets Viktor adapt to different game scenarios, giving him the ability to prioritize mobility, crowd control, or raw damage.

  1. Weaknesses:

Weak Early Game: Viktor relies heavily on items and his Hex Core upgrades to reach his full potential, making him vulnerable in the early stages of the game.

Immobility: Despite his Q augment granting some movement speed, Viktor lacks reliable mobility tools, making him susceptible to ganks and assassins.

Skillshot Reliance: Viktor’s abilities, especially Death Ray (E), require precise aim to maximize damage, making him less effective if his spells are dodged.

Mana Hungry: Viktor’s abilities consume significant mana, particularly in the early game, limiting his ability to spam spells without proper resource management.

Viktor Tips and Tricks

Prioritize Hex Core Upgrades: Invest in Viktor’s Hex Core upgrades early to unlock the full potential of his abilities. The first upgrade should typically enhance Death Ray (E) for wave clear and poke.

Positioning with Gravity Field (W): Use Gravity Field strategically to zone enemies during fights or protect yourself from potential ganks. Place it in chokepoints during objectives to control enemy movement.

Maximize Death Ray (E): Aim Death Ray to hit multiple enemies in fights. With the augment, ensure the explosion’s secondary damage is positioned to maximize impact.

Combo Effectively: Open with Siphon Power (Q) to gain a shield and empower your next attack, follow up with Death Ray (E) for burst damage, and use Gravity Field (W) to control enemy movement.

Use Chaos Storm (R) Wisely: Viktor’s ultimate, Chaos Storm, can interrupt enemy channels and deal consistent damage. Redirect the singularity to chase priority targets or disrupt the enemy backline.

Wave Clear Safely: In the early game, use Death Ray (E) to farm and poke from a distance, minimizing your vulnerability to enemy aggression.

Adapt Builds: Build items like Luden’s Tempest for burst, Liandry’s Anguish for sustained damage, or Zhonya’s Hourglass for survivability based on the game’s needs.


Viktor Summoner Spells


Viktor Runes


Viktor Items

Doran's Ring
Doran's Ring
Health Potion
Health Potion
Stealth Ward
Stealth Ward

Viktor Skill Order

Death Ray
Siphon Power
Gravity Field
Siphon Power
Gravity Field
Death Ray
Chaos Storm

Viktor Ability Combos

Augment Order: E > Q > W

  • Q + A + E: Start with Q then AA then finish with E
  • AA + Q + AA + E + R + AA + AA + AA: AA then Q then AA then E, R then finish off with three AAs
  • W + R + Q + AA + E + AA + AA + AA: Start with W then R then Q, AA, E then finish off with three AAs
  • Q + FLASH + AA + E + R + AA + AA: Use Q on a minion then flash in, AA, use E then R then finish with two AAs
  • W + FLASH + R + Q + E + AA + AA + AA: Start with W then flash in and R, Q, E then finish off with three AAs

Game plan

  1. Early game
  • Focus on farming and getting as much gold and XP as possible. You need time and gold before you’re able to come online and deal damage.
  • Your champion is incredibly weak in the early game. Focus on farming and avoid fighting with the enemy until you’ve got an item behind you.
  • After your bot lane has moved to the mid lane, rotate to the bot side of the map or somewhere else on the map so you can continue to farm and gain XP. Do not fight anyone unless you have an advantage over them. Continue to get XP and gold.
  1. Mid game
  • If your allies move to your lane after destroying their tower, rotate and move around the map to continue farming and gaining XP and gold.
  • Use your abilities to clear the minion waves quickly so your team can siege/ prevent a siege from the enemy team. If you can land poke while also pushing the minion wave, you could look for a favourable trade.
  • While sieging Baron or Dragon, or whenever you’re pushing the enemy under their tower, look for a pick with your abilities. If you can catch someone out of position or blow them up, you’ll be able to take the objective for free.
  1. Late game
  • Stick with your team in the late game. Do not split up or walk away from them otherwise the enemy may try to pick you off or initiate a 4v5 fight when you’re away from your team.
  • Look for picks with your abilities. Picking someone off and then collapsing on them to take them down is a great way of winning a team fight and ending the game. Look for picks on isolated targets if possible.
  • Keep a constant eye on you and your allies positioning. You need to poke the enemy down and delay fights in the late game, but you need to watch your positioning as you move forward to harass. Do not get picked off by trying to harass and poke the enemy down.


Viktor is a strategic and methodical champion who rewards players with strong positioning, accurate skillshots, and an understanding of scaling. By mastering his Hex Core upgrades and leveraging his powerful area-of-effect abilities, Viktor can dominate team fights and secure victory for his team. With practice and proper decision-making, Viktor transforms into a late-game powerhouse, embodying the true essence of Glorious Evolution.

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Good luck to you! – Cheng

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Updated 1mo ago

Viktor Mid Lane Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities

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