Wukong is a highly mobile attack damage jungler. He has a really strong early game in terms of clearing and 1 vs 1 potential vs the enemy jungler and has strong early game ganks that you can utilize to snowball your lanes. He is also a great champion in the mid and late game. His ultimate Cyclone can crowd control a whole team and you can be a real game-changer.
Wukong can also be played in the top lane, make sure to check the alternative build at the top of the page! The build focuses a lot on being a front line tank. You can stack Grasp of the Undying really easily and build defensive items so you can survive a long time during teamfights.
- Pros
- Can adapt to ABSOLUTELY any matchup
- Easy to learn, but hard to master
- Great to play against AD champions
- Has excellent powerspikes (lvl 6, Sheen, etc)
- Good at all stages of the game
- Strong against squishies and tanks
- Good at splitpushing
- God of teamfights
- Powerful in short and long trades
- Perfect engage and disengage
- Cons
- You have to play a lot to adapt to ANY matchup
- Has no sustain at all
- Very bad against AP champions
- Has bad wave clear
- If fall behind, it is very difficult to come back
- Wukong depends on his powerspikes
- Weak against disengage
- Full AD champ
Wukong Skill Tips
- Crushing Blow (Q)
- Poke enemy with this skill, it is especially effective at high levels of leveling this ability when the attack range is even greater.
- Damage with Crushing Blow is blocked with Parries (E Counter Strike - Jax, Q Blinding Dart - Teemo, etc).
- Nothing can stop you from using Crushing Blow, even if you are stunned or even if you're in R Tempered Fate - Bard, you will still cast this skill!
- Warrior Trickster (W)
- The most important thing is that you can pretend to be a clone using the "Stop" key (by default, the S key).
- You can pretend to be a clone many times with S, sooner or later the enemy will stop reacting to this, and after that you will be able to really use Warrior Trickster and go all in.
- Use Warrior Trickster to dodge directed skills, for example, against R Fear Beyond Death - Urgot. The clone will block you from everything!
- Use S to bait the enemy to use some skill on predict.
- Use S, and only then Warrior Trickster, so you can buy time and wait for cooldowns or just escape.
- Nimbus Strike (E)
- Use Nimbus Strike on minions near the tower to destroy it faster by increasing the attack speed.
- The attack speed increasing time does not decrease during Cyclone.
- Use Nimbus Strike on minions beside the enemy to poke him with Crushing Blow.
- If you want to trade (for example, you have a second-level advantage, as in the example), then you can walk back and forth so that the enemy enters the range of your Nimbus Strike.
- Cyclone (R)
- You can instantly interrupt Cyclone with any skill.
- Use Cyclone to stop dashes, so you won't let the enemy escape or initiate (for example, you won't let Zac initiate with E -Elastic Slingshot). Also, throwing is a control, so that enemies will not be able to use skills, this is especially useful against Ornn and his recast R Call of the Forge God - Ornn.
- Since you increases your move speed during Cyclone (well, you also throw up enemies), then you can use this to escape.
Wukong Jungle Tips and Tricks
- Crushing Blow is best used before initiating Cyclone as the armor shred increases the overall damage the ultimate will do.
- Wukong is quite strong in the early game but his lack of crowd-control makes him unable to gank lanes which also have no crowd-control.
- Using Warrior Trickster before Crushing Blow will make the double also use the Crushing Blow (provided the enemy is in range).
- Warrior Trickster can be used to dodge high damaging and crowd-control skillshots.
- Wukong's combo goes as follows: Nimbus Strike → Crushing Blow → Basic Attack → Warrior Trickster → Crushing Blow → Cyclone.
- Nimbus Strike is a great spell for engaging fights but also for gap-closing on enemies that are running away.
Wukong Summoner Spells

Wukong Runes

Wukong Items

Wukong Ability Combos
- E + AA + Q + AA: E onto your target, AA, Q, AA.
- E + AA + W + AA + Q + AA: E onto your enemy, AA, W, AA, Q and finish with another AA.
- Q + W: Q then instantly W.
- E + W + AA + Q + R + AA + Q + R: Start with your E, then instead W, AA and Q before using R, then AA, Q and R again to Finish.
- FLASH + E + Q + R + AA + W + Q + R: Flash E, then Q, R, AA, W, Q and cast R again to finish.
- E + FLASH + R: Use your E, then Flash and R.
- E + W + R + Q + R: Use your E, then W, R, Q and R.
- E + AA + Q + W + R + AA + Q + R + AA: Start with your E, AA, Q, W instantly, then R, AA, Q, R and another AA to finish. Average
The Pro Wukong Jungle Path is a full clear that starts on the Red Buff and you will be killing it using his third skill— Nimbus Strike. Once Red Buff is dead, on level two go ahead and unlock Crushing Blow and kill the Krugs. After the Krugs are cleared go do the Raptors as these grant you level three. Unlock Warrior Trickster as it is really useful for ganking and duels at the Scuttler. Now path into the other side of the jungle and kill the Murk Wolves, Blue Sentinel and lastly, the Gromp. These camps grant you level four which is used to upgrade Crushing Blow. Next up head over to the river to kill the Rift Scuttler, after which you are free to invade the enemy jungle, reset to base or gank a lane and apply pressure to enemy laners.

Sometimes you'll want to path towards the same (or different) Scuttler than the enemy jungler so the Red Buff start might not be the one to go with. Also in most cases, this path is the way to go when you're on the Blue team. Therefore, most players use this Wukong Jungle Path as their alternative route because it starts on the Blue Buff. Once again, at level one unlock Nimbus Strike and at level two Crushing Blow. After the Blue Sentinel is dead, clear the Gromp & Murk Wolves as this grants you level three. Unlock Warrior Trickster for your third skill and head over to clear the Raptors. Clearing them at level three is quick because of Nimbus Strike's area damage and don't forget to place Warrior Trickster in the middle of the camp as it also does some area damage upon expiring. Kill the Red Brambleback as well as the Krugs. These give you level four, upgrading Crushing Blow. Afterwards you can head over to the river and kill the Rift Scuttler & gank a lane, reset to base or go for the second Rift Scuttler.

How to Play Wukong in LOL
- Items:
Wukong uses a mixture of both AD and tank items that allow him to do damage and survive. Trinity Force is a great item for Wukong. This item gives him both damage and tank stats, and the passive effect Spellblade works well for Wukong, especially with his Golden Staff. Sterak's Gage is an excellent example of a tank item that still gives Wukong bonus Attack Damage. Sterak's gives Wukong a lot of health, and the passive gives him a shield when he gets low on health, keeping him alive longer.
- Jungle Path
Wukong has a relatively fast early jungle clear. This means that you can work your way around the jungle really fast and be aggressive when contesting the scuttle crabs in the rivers. It is best to start at Red Brambleback as you don't struggle with mana early and you can stay pretty healthy. In the jungle, you can use Warrior's Trickster so the clone takes all the damage when fighting the jungle camp.
This is what the jungle patch would look like:
- Krugs
- Red Brambleback
- Raptors
- Look for Gank
- Scuttle Crab
- Continue to farm jungle.
Below is a beginner's guide I did for jungle in Summoner Rift. It goes in-depth about every jungle camp, epic monsters and more!
- Late Game
Wukong is a great team fight champion in the late game. Once you have your core items you can ultimate into the enemy team and do a lot of damage whilst also staying alive for a long time for your team to follow up and help you out. You want to stay with your team at all times and try not to get caught out by yourself. As a jungler, your main objective is to keep track of when Dragons, Rift Herald, and Baron spawn. Taking these epic monsters will give you and your team an advantage in the game. When a team fight happens you want to make sure you are at the front protecting your team.
Overall Wukong is a great starter champion if you want to play jungle! He has some easy abilities that you can learn straight away and can have a big impact on the game.
Thanks for Reading! If you want to gain more in-depth knowledge about LOL, check out many helpful articles here!
Good luck to you! – Cheng