Yasuo ADC Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities

Yasuothe Unforgiven


Yasuo: The Unforgiven

Yasuo, the Unforgiven, is one of the most iconic champions in League of Legends. Known for his high skill ceiling and flashy plays, Yasuo is a melee carry who thrives on outplaying opponents with precise mechanics and split-second decisions. His kit combines mobility, damage, and crowd control, making him a versatile pick in various team compositions. However, Yasuo’s gameplay demands exceptional positioning and timing, making him a champion that rewards mastery. In this guide, we will explore Yasuo’s strengths, weaknesses, and tips for dominating the Rift.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Yasuo

  1. Strengths:
  • High Mobility: Sweeping Blade (E) allows Yasuo to dash repeatedly through enemies, granting him unparalleled mobility in skirmishes and team fights.
  • Crowd Control and Synergy: Steel Tempest (Q) can knock enemies airborne when stacked, and his ultimate, Last Breath (R), capitalizes on airborne targets for devastating follow-up damage.
  • Sustained Damage: Yasuo’s passive, Way of the Wanderer, enhances his critical strike chance and provides a shield for additional durability, making him a sustained damage dealer in extended fights.
  • Versatility: Yasuo can adapt to various roles, excelling in both the mid-lane and top-lane, and synergizing well with teammates who can provide knock-ups.
  • Playmaking Potential: His ability to chain abilities, block projectiles with Wind Wall (W), and engage with Last Breath makes Yasuo a playmaker who can turn the tide of a fight.
  1. Weaknesses:
  • High Skill Ceiling: Yasuo requires precise mechanics, including proper use of Steel Tempest (Q) and Sweeping Blade (E), as well as optimal positioning in fights.
  • Squishiness: Despite his shield from Way of the Wanderer, Yasuo is fragile and can be easily punished by crowd control and burst damage.
  • Vulnerability to CC: Yasuo’s reliance on mobility makes him susceptible to stuns, roots, and silences, which can shut down his effectiveness in fights.
  • Team Dependency: Yasuo’s full potential often relies on teammates who can provide reliable knock-ups for Last Breath (R).
  • Weak Early Game: Yasuo’s early game can be challenging due to his reliance on critical strike items and levels to maximize his damage output.

Yasuo Tips and Tricks

  1. Mastering Steel Tempest (Q):
  • Use Steel Tempest to poke enemies in lane and stack Gathering Storm. At two stacks, position yourself to land a whirlwind for crowd control.
  • Steel Tempest is treated as a basic attack, meaning it benefits from critical strike chance and on-hit effects.
  1. Sweeping Blade (E) Mechanics:
  • Use Sweeping Blade creatively to reposition in fights or dodge skillshots. Combine it with Steel Tempest for an AoE spin attack.
  • Avoid overusing Sweeping Blade without purpose, as it can leave you vulnerable if dashes are on cooldown.
  1. Wind Wall (W):

Position Wind Wall strategically to block critical projectiles, such as skillshots from mages or ADC’s auto attacks. Use Wind Wall in team fights to protect your backline or to deny enemies’ key abilities.

  1. Timing Last Breath (R):
  • Coordinate with teammates who can knock enemies airborne to maximize the impact of Last Breath.
  • Save Last Breath for moments when multiple enemies are airborne to unleash devastating area damage and follow-up with your enhanced critical strikes.
  1. Build Optimization:
  • Focus on critical strike items like Infinity Edge and Statikk Shiv to maximize your damage potential.
  • Consider situational items like Guardian Angel or Maw of Malmortius to address survivability issues.
  1. Wave Management and Split Pushing:
  • Manage waves effectively with Steel Tempest and Sweeping Blade to create pressure in side lanes.
  • Use your mobility to escape unfavorable situations when split pushing.

Yasuo Summoner Spells


Yasuo Runes


Yasuo Items

Doran's Blade
Doran's Blade
Health Potion
Health Potion
Stealth Ward
Stealth Ward

Yasuo Skill Order

Steel Tempest
Sweeping Blade
Wind Wall
Steel Tempest
Wind Wall
Sweeping Blade
Last Breath

Yasuo Ability Combos

  • E + AA + Q + E: E, then AA, Q and E back out again.
  • Q + FLASH: Use your Q, then Flash instantly.
  • Q + Q + W + Q + R: Prep your Q3, then W, Q and follow that with your R.
  • Q + Q + E + Q + AA + R + AA: Prep your Q3, then E, Q, AA, R and AA to finish.
  • E + Q + FLASH + E + Q + R + AA + Q + AA: Charge up your Q3, then E, Q, Flash onto your enemy, then E, Q, R and follow that with an AA, another Q and another AA.
  • Q + Q + Q + E + Q + R: Hit a Q3, then E, Q and R your enemy.
  • Q + Q + E + Q + FLASH + AA + R: Get your Q3 ready, then E, Q and Flash instantly onto your target, then AA quickly before using your R

Game plan

  1. Early game
  • After your bot lane has rotated to the mid lane, move to the side lane and start farming and gaining XP there. You can look to 1v1 any enemy who tries to stop you.
  • Look for frequent trades with the enemy throughout the laning phase. Getting an early kill could snowball the lane heavily in your favour.
  • Once you’re level 6, look to play more aggressive. Your Ultimate Last Breath R is a great skirmishing tool and you can get early kills with it.
  1. Mid game
  • Flank in team fights to make getting on the enemy backline easily. Make sure you’re near your team at all times so you can get in the fight fast.
  • After your bot lane has moved to the mid lane, rotate to the bot side of the map or somewhere else on the map so you can continue to farm and gain XP.
  • As you’re good at getting picks and killing isolated targets, try to ambush and assassinate enemies who are alone or walking around Summoners Rift alone. After killing someone, make the call for a nearby objective.
  1. Late game
  • In the late game, look for picks on immobile or miss positioned enemies. Taking someone down in the late game can give you enough time to force a fight, siege an objective or take the Baron or Elder Dragon.
  • If the enemy is grouping, look to group with your team too. In team fights, continue to focus the squishiest and easiest to kill high priority targets in the backline.
  • Flank in team fights to make getting on the enemy backline easily. Make sure you’re near your team at all times so you can get in the fight fast, especially allies with knockups.


Yasuo’s high mobility, scaling potential, and game-changing ultimate make him a champion that can carry games when mastered. While his skill ceiling is steep, the rewards for mastering Yasuo are immense, allowing you to outplay enemies and dominate the battlefield. By focusing on precise mechanics, strategic positioning, and item optimization, you can harness the full power of the Unforgiven. Step onto the Rift with confidence, and let your blade carve a path to victory.

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Good luck to you! – Cheng

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Updated 1mo ago

Yasuo ADC Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities

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