

You can get E level 2 too when enemy champion has low healt after level 1 fight!!!

Yeah, it's probably best right now.

There is not a single build on yone, so remember that.
Fight level 1 if you are stronger, If not wait till your powerspikes (mostly level 3, level 6 and blade of the ruined king or kraken slayer). Then you just fight with them, help with objectives, try to be at river fights and just snowball. Don't play risky since yone isn't that good when you are behind in gold (it's playable but not as good as a yone with decent amount of gold or even fed).Remember if you are fed you can go into "risky" fights because if you play good, you mostly win them.
Bad matchups
Matchups such like teemo, irelia, olaf, darius can be hard for yone to play. Don't be afraid tho, yone has good powerspikes which you can use for your advantage. You can also wait for your jungler if he isn't a robot.
Win conditions
Pushing, teamfighting, doing objectives and over all farming (or if you are lucky getting fed) are the best win conditions. Even if you are behind and one of your teammates is fed you can play around him and just ult to either defend him or secure him a nice five men ult pentakill.
When you push?
When you can. If you see voidgrubs and enemy jungler and top isn't there don't push like a monkey I beg you. Just help your jungler and get 2 kills instead of getting 1 plate and still dying because "enemy champion diff".
What about yone 14.04
He is not weak. He wasn't really weak S14 at all. He isn't that easy in terms of win conditions and all. You can troll with yone almost at all points of game so you better not be on an autopilot instead think about every decision you are making.