Yone detailed Top guide 14.5

See jurialb's Twitch channel
Yonethe Unforgotten



Only viable option in my opinion, dont really recommend taking ignite because yone doesnt really need that extra push in the 1v1 but he does need a faster way to get to lane after a fight to keep himself relevant also it is the most useful late game.

Ability order

Mortal Steel
Soul Unbound
Spirit Cleave
Mortal Steel
Spirit Cleave
Soul Unbound
Fate Sealed

Only way to play really



Precision isnt really going to change just the secondary that you are getting depending on the matchup. Also the last adaptive should change to armour or mr depending on who you are laning or if you dont know just pick hp

Kraken Slayer
Kraken Slayer
Berserker's Greaves
Berserker's Greaves
Infinity Edge
Infinity Edge
Sterak's Gage
Sterak's Gage
Death's Dance
Death's Dance

Good overall build. You are not suffering damage wise and are quite tanky at item 3 and after.

Matchup sheet


  1. High damage per second and burst
  2. Very versatile build
  3. Rewarding for the mechanically gifted
  4. Can go even or win most matchups played correctly
  5. Lane bully
  6. Easy to Learn


  1. Ult is easy to dodge
  2. Vulnerable laner
  3. Too relient on his E
  4. Denies your team from a frontline
  5. Hard to Master

Early game

** Always before the game starts think how you want to play the matchup.** After you select your champion until loading screen ends is a crucial time to think how you want to play the lane. Yone is very strong level 1 but other toplaners do beat him level 2 and level 3 Try to be agressive on the first wave get your q stacks and if they try to fight always go for it because you are going to be a lot stronger. At level 2 start being less agressive just try poking but dont be affraid to punish them if they make a mistake because yone is more of a reactive player and excels in punishing mistakes (like them using their main ability on the wave or missing it) your enemy can make. Im not saying just sit back but do sometimes try to force a mistake out of them yourself. After you get e a common mistake is getting your tornado stacks up and then e tornado. This is very predictable so usually you want to either get 1 q stack then e on them get the tornado stack you will have time to use it, or you want to tornado on them and use e to dodge an ability because your e is indeed a dash. If you manage to push them level 3-4 under tower try to get a deep ward in or even try to 1v1 their jungler because you should be stronger in a 1v1 than the enemy jungler. Junglers that want to lv 3 gank you will be there earliest at around 2:40 or if they full clear crab spawns 3:30 so if they started botside expect them to be there at 3:40-3:50. If you know a gank is imminent try to push the wave under tower and back. If the lane is pushing to you just dont take a fight let it crash under tower it is very unlikely you will be dove unless you are extremely low and in that case just give up the minions and go back to base.If the lane is pushing towards the enemy and you cant crash it in time just back off base and come back, you will be at a level disadvantage but you will have a buy, hp and mana (if the lane opponent does use mana) advantage on them which you can use now the jungler isnt in the area anymore. Yone is a hard scaling champion so if you dont fall behind on experience and cs decently you will be quite strong.

Mid game

During the midgame you want to focus on getting as much exp and gold as possible. This is when yone starts getting generally strong but still try not to force a lot of plays because most toplaners even if behind can punish you for it. If you are constantly pushing try pushing into the enemy jungle getting their camps, maybe catching their jungle and also getting herald even alone is a great idea to get yourself ahead. Try to get both t1 and t2 turrets and then switch your focus on the botside of the map so you are generating pressure away from the baron giving your team an easier time getting it and even if you die the enemy team doesnt have a baron call since you died in the opposite side of the map. You mainly want to be sidelaning but a good idea is to group sometimes for a fight if you feel strong enough that you can win it for your team. given that you dont have hullbreaker.


Late game

You want to put as much pressure on the botside as possible but do be mindful where the enemy team and your team are possitioned because if you are in the enemy tier3 and your team is base they will kill you for free and your team gets nothing in return. So its important to always keep an eye on the map and just dont show yourself (sit on bushes or fog of war) until you see enemies. You either want to pull as many people to you without dying so your team gets free objectives or you want to push your advantage. Dont be affraid to dive at this point you have the damage to pull it off. Teamfighting is also an option yone does have good teamfighting because you can target their backline with E+R killing them or simply force their team into dissarray giving you and your team a better fight

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Updated 1y ago

Yone detailed Top guide 14.5

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