See phoenixkola's Twitch channel
Yorick has an easy time proc'ing Comet with his E ability, and the ghouls joining is just a bonus.
Doran's Blade
Health Potion
Win Conditions
- Look to bully the enemy laner whenever you have a ghoul up, but avoid fighting when you do not have them aside from short trades.
- Priozitize setting up graves with your Q over poking the enemy with it.
- Look to split push with your R to take down towers. Ignore team fighting if you’re not 100% sure you can win them- especially if your R is not up.
Weak Against
- Irelia: Irelia's mobility and burst damage make it challenging for Yorick to maintain distance and land his skill shots.
- Kled: Kled's all-ins with his Q and his ultimate make it difficult for Yorick to kite and poke effectively.
- Urgot: Urgot's consistent damage and his execute with his ultimate make him a challenging matchup for Yorick.
Strong Against
- Jayce: Yorick's sustain, combined with his ghouls and cage, make it challenging for Jayce to poke him down effectively.
- Rumble: Yorick's ability to create pressure with his ghouls and split-push effectively can force Rumble to divide his attention between controlling the lane and teamfighting.
- Illaoi: Yorick can dodge Illaoi's skillshots effectively using his E and cage. Whenever Illaoi Ults, Yorick can just W her and run away.
Game Strategy
- Early Game: In the early game, Yorick should focus on farming with his Q and harassing enemies with his E. Utilize your W to trap enemies and set up ganks for your jungler. Use your R to pressure your lane and secure early objectives like Rift Herald.
- Mid Game: During the mid game, Yorick becomes a split-push threat and objective controller. Continue split-pushing lanes with your Mist Walkers, using your R to enhance your pushing power. Join your team for skirmishes and objectives, utilizing your E to engage or disengage fights. Focus on securing towers and objectives.
- Late Game: In the late game, Yorick transitions into a powerful teamfighter and pusher. Utilize your Mist Walkers to create pressure in side lanes, forcing enemies to respond to your split-push. Join your team for team fights, using your W to trap key enemies and your E to slow and weaken threats. Properly coordinated pushes and split-pressure can lead to late-game wins for your team.