best rune in that patch that rune give u heal + health + magic dmg
that patch is best reason for max q faster for more heal and dmg
last 2 items armor vs ad champs in enamy team and spirit vs ap champs
laning phase
yorick weak in early so u can farm with e and get some items after that when u get level 6 and get advantage level or gold go all in and u will win that ez just dont push so much when u want get kill just frezz the wave
mid and late game
u strong split pusher in mid late game so ur job get some towers and objec solo like rift and voids and some time dragon when all dont care about objec like when all aram in mid and when u push u go top when all bot and go bot when all top and enjoy
i ban irelia bucz she super counter for yorick she can dash every where and she one shot ur ghouls and stack the passive ez with him so that matchup is nightmare
u can also ban jax if u cant play vs him or u are new with yorick bucz he dodge ur e and ur q and ur dmg and one shot u
that my first guide with tacter i hope that guide help u guys and sorry my english not very well i try do my best