Yorick is one of the best- in my opinion champions to main. He has pretty strong laning phase, strong splitpushing, can solo all objectives even when ahead JUST A LITTLE. Also the build, runes and playstyle diversity is crazy since you can play him almost on all roles. Does he have really weak/weakest teamfights? No. He is pretty strong if you build him right since he can do really much dmg AND even when you aren't on a teamfight you can easily end the game if you have minions and around 20 seconds. What will you know after this guide?
Laning phase
Pros and cons

Q- Better attack on enemy opponent, if it kills minion you spawn a grave which will be all clear when you read his passive. When you have 3 or more graves you can spawn your passive. W- You spawn a "cage" and if enemy attacks it X times (scales with your level from 2 hits to 4 hits). Useful with your minions E- you throw a ball and if it attacks your minions jump on enemy and have increased dmg for that target for 8 next hits by 30% (in 14.5 it will be 20% for 8 hits) R- You spawn your maiden which boosts minions and deals a lot of % magic dmg. Spawns your minions too. Passive- Minions. The best part in yorick.
There aren't pretty much any bad matchups. For me the worst are definetely Illaoi, Teemo and mordekaiser so just ban one of them and pray the other ones aren't picked (mordekaiser is definetely the hardest of all so I ban him). Vs ranged it's one of the easiest matchups since you just close them in your cage and beat them.

only take this please (for jungle you pick exhaust and smite)
Pros and cons
Strong laning phase
Strong splitpushing
Best champion to solo baron
Good champion to otp
not that good in teamfights (still pretty decent for me)
Mordekaiser literally spits on you (forced ban)

Laning phase
You play around your passive, try to poke them out of lane or close them into your cage and kill them. If you manage to poke them out of lane/ kill them then just take their plates and go for objectives if you have more than level 6 AND you can't farm because there is no wave/ it crashed under his turret.
In teamfights you just try to keep your ult alive and kill their adc by closing him in your little prison then just E him and spam M7 emote.

As always
Shield - rarely but for poke matchups
You almost always want to have doran blade since you poke them and have sustain with your Q.

Plated vs AD
Mercury vs AP and CC
Boots if they have neither and you need bonus speed.

Instead of writing items names I will just name them in order 1, 2, 3 etc.
- Bonus dmg for your Q, I prefer building it for second item after Profane Hydra
- Pushing power (Superior)
- Sterak's Gage (Good if enemy has Burst dmg and also you can survive more in fights) really good item
- Boosts your Q dmg (Shovel moment)
- Antiheal option
- REALLY GOOD it gives you bonus healing so you can heal up to 700 health by just 1 Q. Really REALLY good item.
- Eclipse VS poke and squishy matchups
- If your enemies want to run and have a lot of tanks then go Serylda. Why not?
- Profane Hydra. Best item rn build it for first item every game.
Yorick 14.4
He is really good for me. He is definetely A+ or S- BUT on patch 14.5 He can be just A tier OR He can be S+ Since they boost armor and magic resists for his ULT but his E deals less dmg. We will see