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This patch the most broken bot laners are APC.

The ones like Swain, Karthus <- preferably into long fight engage enemy team.

Most of the APC's are best in outranging enemy ADC they are rly good in neutralizing lane with better 1/2 item power spikes where they are the strongest.

Serapqueen works the best with bruisers on top side and with engage supports for set up.

Ziggs, Kog -> Basically works the same with ziggs having more power in pushing towers. Kog is stronger in bursting enemy (E+R = half HP down)

The ones that I dont disslike but I dont rly like also are Veigar and Syndra.

For normal adcs like Ashe, Corki these two are like the best adc on this patch. Dominant on lane with almost no loosing match ups.

Adcs in A tier are better in competetive scene but if u can coordinate them on the highest lvl u will succed with them. (Kalista, Ezreal)

Xayah and Kaisa are not rly good blind picks. For example picking xayah on R3 while enemy B1,B2,B3 are full engage she is the best adc into it. Kaisa is somewhat special with the way she can be played (AP poke, AP on-hit, AD on-hit)

The other ADCs below A tier are kinda meh but in some cases can work.

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