All God Bug Fixes in the New Smite 2 - 24/7 Closed Alpha release patch 2 - 9/12/24

See frgotenpower's Twitch channel


---- Odin ----

  • Path to Valhalla Description updated to better match effect


  • Fixed an issue where towers and phoenixes stopped targeting him if he leaped in the range

----Neith ----

  • Backflip Fixed an issue where Neith was targetable throughout the leap

  • Unravel

Fixed an issue where she could heal off of enemy Neith weaves

Fixed an issue with her Radiant skin where her eyes weren’t glowing

----Ares ----

  • No Escape

Fixed an issue where gods who were pulled by this ability could sometimes not be damaged and stunned

Fixed an issue where this ability had some additional unintended casting time after Ares slams down to the ground

----Mordred ----

Fixed an an issue with his Bled Enemies tracker on his Ascension pass not working properly and counting progress

  • Pursue the Weak

Fixed issues when using this ability near the edges of Odin’s ultimate causing multiple spears to instantly kill him in the air

Fixed issues where he could ghost hit on his client where he’d animate the hit, when he actually didn’t hit a target

Fixed issues where he could get stuck inside of wall geometry if he hit targets in a specific way

  • Heart Slash

Fixed an issue with the SFX of this ability being too loud when hitting minion waves


  • The Wild Hunt

Fixed issues where his polymorph was shifting Shadow and Radiant skin textures back to Default

Fixed issues with his upper body not animating after transitioning from combat to idle stances while moving

---- Hecate ----

  • Spell Eater

Fixed an issue where stance swap abilities could exploit the charge up of this ability

The Morrigan -

  • Changeling

Fixed an issue when transforming into Susano, she could get into a state where she could dash without cooldowns

Description of her Marked Kills tracker has been updated to better indicate how it tracks from the bonus damage

---- Thanatos ----

Fixed his Auto Buy options to not purchase Mana potions

Bellona -

Fixed an issue where she didn’t have any role tabs populating in her Item Store

---- Jing Wei ----

  • Persistent Gust

Fixed an issue where jumps and leaps over this ability were being interrupted Rapid Reincarnation

Fixed an issue where she could fall through the floor occasionally with client lag in her passive flight

  • Agility

Fixed an issue where she could T-pose if she dashed into Cernunnos’ ultimate ability Air Strike

Fixed collision issues where she could sometimes get into a broken state and become Immune for longer than intended

----- Hades ----

  • Pillar of Agony

Fixed issues with this ability pulling targets falling from a knock up causing them to be stuck in the air for a short period of time

---- Ymir ----

  • Shards of Ice

Fixed issues with the ability on Quick and Normal cast, where mashing the ability button would cause the ability to instantly explode without finishing the animation