All Item bug fixes in the New Smite 2 - 24/7 Closed Alpha release patch 2 - 9/12/24

See frgotenpower's Twitch channel


---- Circe’s Hexstone ----

  • Fixed an issue with this item being able to be used while firing channeled abilities (Sorry Ymir)

---- Health Chalice ----

Fixed an issue with the third potion not working or giving HP

---- Spirit Robe ----

  • Fixed an issue where the item granted additional Magical Protections beyond the intended 40 (previously shown as 15).

  • Fixed an issue where the item's Passive effect was incorrectly providing Intelligence.

---- Soul Reaver ----

  • Fixed an issue where the item applied an extra tick of damage by triggering the first tick immediately instead of after the intended delay.

---- Eye of Providence and Golden Blade ----

  • Removed these items from the Cooldown Rate store filter as they do not provide Cooldown Rate.

---- Scepter of Dominion ----

  • Fixed an issue where this item could cause certain Gods to get into broken states if they used their Ultimate abilities in the area of effect

---- Soul Gem ----

  • Fixed issues with this item not stacking if bought outright and showing the wrong buff icon

---- Sundering Arc ----

  • Fixed an issue where this item would only deal 100 damage to Jungle Monsters and Jungle Bosses at Level 15.