Loki performs the best in Jungle/Solo role. This guide is valid for both roles.
Loki is one of the most hated assassins in SMITE by the community. He's extremely annoying to play against, especially if the person that's playing him knows how to utilise his kit properly. Spend your ability points in the following order :
- Level 1 - 3
- Level 2 - 1
- Level 3 - 2
- Level 4 - 3
- Level 5 - 4
- Level 6 - 3
- Level 7 - 3
- Level 8 - 1
- Level 9 - 4
- Level 10 - 3
- Level 11 -1
- Level 12 - 1
- Level 13 - 4
- Level 14 - 1
- Level 15 - 2
- Level 16 - 2
- Level 17 - 4
- Level 18 - 2
- Level 19 - 2
- Level 20 - 4
Loki's basic attack ,passive, 1st , 2nd, 3rd, and 4th ability(ultimate).
A couple of tips for Loki :
Tip #1
Tip #2
Tip #3
Tip #4
Gods that Loki is weak/decent/good against.

Some builds that are good on Loki & situational items :

- Gods Loki's main weakness is gods that can hard cc him / zone him away from the fight . Athena for example is one of his nemesis, she can taun Loki out from his invisibility leaving him with nothing to get close / away other than his ult .
- Builds Loki's kit only scales up from strength, so a great choice are pure strength builds combined with DOT items, such as bluestone, crusher, heartseeker. Loki can proc these items with his 2 and poke the enemies from a far to apply pressure.
Final thoughts.
Loki is the "true" definition of an assassin, his kit lets him kill the target in less than a couple of seconds, that's why many people hate him, combined with a DOT build, you can choose to stay away and apply pressure with your 2 or go in, do the job and get out pretty fast. Average difficulty to play, hard to master his kit properly.