Neith performs the best in the ADC and MID role. This guide is valid for both roles.
Neith is one of the most basic Hunter that Hi-Rez ever added to SMITE. Because of the simplicity of her kit she is a very beginner friendly god and easy to play and understand. Spend your ability points in the following order :
- Level 1 - 1
- Level 2 - 3
- Level 3 - 2
- Level 4 - 1
- Level 5 - 4
- Level 6 - 1
- Level 7 - 1
- Level 8 - 2
- Level 9 - 4
- Level 10 - 2
- Level 11 -2
- Level 12 - 2
- Level 13 - 4
- Level 14 - 2
- Level 15 - 3
- Level 16 - 3
- Level 17 - 4
- Level 18 - 3
- Level 19 - 3
- Level 20 - 4
Neith's basic attack ,passive, 1st , 2nd, 3rd, and 4th ability(ultimate).
A couple of tips for Neith :
Tip #1 - Maximizing the DPS
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Tip #2 - Utilising your 3 properly
Tip #3 - Ulting people
Gods that Neith is weak/decent/good against.

Some builds that are good on Neith & situational items.

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- Gods Neith's main weakness is gods that can get close to her quickly and stick to her, for example fenrir : he can use one of his abilities to get close to you, which will probably make you use your 3 to get away, and then he can follow up with his other ability and stick to you. Or Ares, with his 1 he can stop you from using your 3, and his ult forces you to buy beads, if you don't have beads and he ults you, you're dead. Neith's ultimate doesn't give her cc immunity, so you have to be careful when going against Ares and don't have beads. Neith can jump over Ymir's wall / out of Odin's cage(ult), this is one of the reasons why she's good against them.
- Builds When it comes to building, some people like to go ability base builds(which I also recommend, because her kit mainly scales up with INT), but some decide to stick with the basic Crit-STR only attack speed builds which I personally don't find fun to just hold down m1 and get kills, but at the end of the day it's your choice on how you want to build the god that you're playing ! Also, don't forget to swap an item out for divine ruin or brawler's ruin if the enemy has lifesteal items/abilities/healing in it's kit/build .
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Final thoughts.
Neith is a simple but hard to master god that can bring value to the team even from the base, as long as you play her for the win, not for the kills .