Relic Guide



The premier tank relic, it's abillity to support early game invades and to secure objectives in the mid game make it nearly essential on support and solo (yes even after the nerf)

Phantom Shell

The surprise go to defensive relic for backliners. The abillity to gain a shield while still putting out dmg is excellent for turning around fights

Combat Blink

The best "hybrid" relic, excellent for defensive repositioning, or for an offensive engage. Has the most flashy potential offensively or defensively



A conditional defensive relic. Much less likely to be useful in 1v1 fights compared to shell, but does slow down dive effectively opening up potential teamfight value. Something you are more likely to want into gods like Neith or Nu Wa


The king of smite 1 relics has fallen far, becoming relegated to highly situational, with the current god roster it doesn't do enough to provide safety or offensive value over one of the other defensive options. Neith and Susano are some of the only gods who seem to get enough value out of gaining some CC immunity, but generally are better suited to having blink or a different defensive relic while either going Purificaiton Talisman(AOE beads) themselves, or having their supp rush it for them.

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Updated 4mo ago

Relic Guide

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