Smite 2: Agni God Guide - Open Beta 1

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Introduction to my Guide :)

Welcome to my Smite 2 Guide for Agni. Below we will cover the Stats, Builds, Playstyles, and Strategies for playing Agni. I hope this guide serves you well and feel free to reach out about any questions, comments, or concerns.

Feel free to Comment on the post if there is any updated data or if you have questions feel free to reach out to me at the following:

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AgniHindu · Mid
Starter Items
Blink Rune
Sands of Time
Final Build
Chronos' Pendant
Soul Gem
Gem of Focus
Divine Ruin
Rod of Tahuti
Obsidian Shrad
Ideal for Instagram Stories and TikTok posts.
AgniHindu · Mid
Starter Items
Blink Rune
Sands of Time
Final Build
Chronos' Pendant
Soul Gem
Gem of Focus
Divine Ruin
Rod of Tahuti
Obsidian Shrad
Creator Branding

Ability Leveling Order

Noxious Fumes
Flame Wave
Path of Flames
Rain Fire
Noxious Fumes
Flame Wave
Path of Flames
Rain Fire

God Introduction

Agni is a great Mid laner in Smite 2. He brings High Explosive Damage and Crowd Control to any teamfight. Agni's abilites allow him to have great Zone Control through his Damage, and he combos attacks well with his large scale Stun.

Agni's primary stregnths lie with his ability to Deal High Damage to multiple enemies with every ability, and his wide area Crowd Control, giving him the ability to cover lots of space with his Damage.

Passive - Combustion

  • Hit Basic Attacks to gain stacks. Once at 4 stacks, your next Flame Wave or Rain Fire will ignite enemies hit, dealing damage every 0.5s for 3s.

  • Killing an enemy god sets Agni on a Hot Streak for 10s. While on a Hot Streak, Combustion is fully charged and is not consumed by using abilities.

------ Stats ------

  • Combustion Duration: Until next Flame Wave or Rain Fire is used

  • Hot Streak Duration: 10 seconds


Basic Attack - Ranged

  • Agni fires a projectile that deals Magical Damage to the first enemy hit.

  • Projectile stops on first target hit and does not pass through walls.

----- STATS -----

  • Damage Scaling: 100% Strength + 20% Intelligence + 100% Basic Attack Power

  • Range: 8.8 meters

  • Radius: 0.48 meters

Ability 1 - Noxious Fumes

  • Summon a cloud of noxious fumes which deals Magical Damage every second. Hitting the fumes with any of your other abilities detonates the gas, Stunning and dealing Magical Damage to enemies in the area.

  • Fumes last on the ground for 10 seconds.

------ Stats ------

  • Damage per Rank: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 / 50

  • Damage Scaling: 5% Intelligence

  • Explode Damage: 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100

  • Explode Damage Scaling: 20% Intelligence

  • Stun Duration: 0.8 seconds

  • Range: 8.8 meters

  • Radius: 3.2 meters

  • Cooldown per Rank: 13 seconds

  • Cost per Rank: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80

Ability 2 - Flame Wave

  • Summon a wave of fire, dealing Magical Damage.

  • Persists for 1 second after reaching max distance.

------ Stats ------

  • Damage: 100 / 155 / 210 / 265 / 320

  • Damage Scaling: 65% Intelligence

  • Range: 8 meters

  • Radius: 2.59 meters

  • Cooldown per Rank: 15 / 14.5 / 14 / 13.5 / 13 seconds

  • Cost per Rank: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80

Ability 3 - Path of Flames

  • Dash forward and leave a trail of fire behind you. Enemies that enter the area take Magical Damage every .5s for 2s.

  • You are Displacement Immune while dashing

  • Passing over Noxious Fumes will ignite it.

  • Flame trail lasts for 3 seconds.

  • Enemies that are being damaged and touch the area again have their damage duration refreshed.

------ Stats ------

  • Damage: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60

  • Damage Scaling: 15% Intelligence

  • Range: 9.6 meters

  • Cooldown: 16 seconds

  • Cost: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90


Ultimate - Rain Fire

  • Summon a meteor, dealing Magical Damage. You can have up to 3 charges of this ability.

  • Agni immediately gets all 3 charges of this ability upon leveling it for the first time.

  • You are slowed by 50% while summoning a meteor.

------ Stats ------

  • Damage per Rank: 135 / 175 / 215 / 255 / 295

  • Damage Scaling: 65% Intelligence

  • Range: 10.4 meters

  • Radius: 3.2 meters

  • Cooldown per Rank: 18 seconds

  • Cost: 10

God/Camp/Item Interactions

Testing in progress

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Updated 1mo ago

Smite 2: Agni God Guide - Open Beta 1

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