Hi, welcome to my series of Smite 2 How To. This article is going to be talking about the thought process of Mid Lane. What items and stats to look for, how to position and why, and what your general objective is in the role. Let's get into it.
Mid Tier List

Mid's Goal
The goal of the mid laner is to help control neutral farm, secure objectives, and deal burst damage to enemies.
How to accomplish your goal
Mid laners tend to be very item dependent. Not as much as carries, but you will need some items online to really get damage flowing. You want to try and farm up as fast as possible and control the middle of the map. Doing this makes it hard for their jungler or mid to rotate to fights and enables you to rotate if need be. Farming, and poking safely as well as positioning safely are the most important aspects of mid.
Early game
You are likely to get ganked at least once, more than likely twice before level 5. You need to watch your health while either focusing on damage on the enemy or clearing. If youre doing damage to the enemy, make sure you kill them or youre going to lose all pressure. The more often move is to try and out clear your opponent and poke a little bit. Each bit of pressure makes neutrals easier to get safely
Mid Game
Your items will start to come online and youll be able to poke way more damage out and be able to secure objectives. This will still be farming as your items are expensive, but youll be able to rotate and fight a little more. Keep farming, get your important items, and help your team out around the map.
Late Game
You will kill fast and die fast typically. Follow up on people's cc to try and really burst someone quickly, or poke them to get some pressure and look to take objs with your team. You should hit structures when you have space, and your team is sieging, or when space is closing down try to zone people out with your damage. Make sure youre helping your carry and support and trying to assist them on the same target