Pele - Polynesian Goddess of Volcanoes
Introduction to my Guide :)
Welcome to my Smite 2 Guide for Pele . Below we will cover the Stats, Builds, Playstyles, and Strategies for playing Pele . I hope this guide serves you well and feel free to reach out about any questions, comments, or concerns.
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Ability Leveling Order
God Introduction
Pele is a great Jungler in Smite 2. She brings High Burst Damage, fast Mobility, Crowd Control, and Self Sustain.
Pele's primary strengths lie with her ability to run down enemies with her extreme Speed, outbox enemies with her Lifesteal, and lock down enemies with her Crowd Control.
God Aspect: Coming Soon!
Pele does not currently have an Aspect.
Passive - Everlasting Flame
- When you drop below 50% health, gain increased Strength and Lifesteal. This effect has a cooldown.
------ Stats ------
Strength: 10 +2 per level
Lifesteal: 30%
Buff Duration: 6 seconds
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Basic Attack - Melee
Deal Physical Damage to an enemy in front of you.
Pele has a 3 hit chain. Attacks in order of 1 / 1 / 1x damage and swing time.
----- Stats -----
Damage Scaling: 100% Strength +20% Intelligence + 100% Basic Attack Power
Range: 1.92 Meters
Cone Angle: 120 degrees
Ability 1 - Pyroclast
Pele fires a magma projectile that deals Physical Damage and grants fuel per enemy hit. At max range the Magma persists and fires additional shard projectiles back to you, dealing Physical Damage to enemies
The number of shards returning is dependent on the rank of this ability.
Pele has 2 charges of this ability.
Both projectiles types pass through and damage all enemies, and passes through walls.
------ Stats ------
Initial Damage per Rank: 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 220
Initial Damage Scaling: 60% Strength
Return Damage: 30
Return Damage Scaling: 15% Strength
Return Projectiles: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Fuel Regained: 5
Range: 9.6 meters
Cooldown per Rank: 15 / 14.5 / 14 / 13.5 / 13 seconds
Cost per Rank: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60
Ability 2 - Eruption
Pele deals Physical Damage and Knocks Up enemies around her. At ranks 3 and 5 this area gains an additional explosion areas, which deal Physical Damage and a smaller Knock up.
Activating this ability while in the amplified state of Magma Rush will cause you to dash a short distance before erupting.
------ Stats ------
Inner Ring Damage: 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250
Inner Ring Scaling: 80% Strength
Outer Ring Damage: 140 / 140 / 140 / 180 / 220
Outer Ring Damage: 60% Strength
Eruption Areas: 1 / 1 / 2 / 2 / 3
Cooldown per Rank: 15 seconds
Cost per Rank: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Ability 3 - Magma Rush
Pele repeatedly deals Physical Damage to nearby enemies and gains movement speed while this ability is active. Magma Rsh uses Fuel for its duration and has no cooldown.
Reactivate this ability to amplify the effect, expending more fuel but dealing increased Physical Damage and gaining additional movement speed.
Fuel Regens 5 per second when this ability is deactivated. This ability cannot be activated under 10 Fuel.
This ability triggers no items.
------ Stats ------
Damage: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30
Damage Scaling: 5% Strength
Amped Damage: 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80
Amped Damage Scaling: 20% Strength
Movemen Speed: 30%
Amped Movement Speed: 60%
Cooldown: 1 second
Fuel Cost: 5 per 0.5 seconds
Amped Fuel Cost: 10 per 0.5 seconds
Cost: 10
Ultimate - Volcanic Rush
Pele becomes CC Immune then Dashs forward dealing PHysical Damage and Slowing the first enemy God hit, and firing a cone attack that deals Physical Damage to other enemies.
For the next 10 seconds or 4 attacks, every time you basic attack an enemy, you deal reduced damage and also fire a cone attack.
This ability triggers items only one time across all 5 possible hits.
------ Stats ------
Damage per Rank: 180 / 265 / 350 / 435 / 520
Damage Scaling: 60% Strength
Cone Damage: 100 / 140 / 180 / 220 / 260
Cone Damage Scaling: 40% Strength
Slow: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%
Slow Duration: 3 seconds
Range: 9.7 meters
Cooldown per Rank: 90 seconds
Cost: 100
God/Camp/Item Interactions
Testing in progress