
Introduction to my Guide :)
Welcome to my Smite 2 Guide for Thanatos. Below we will cover the Stats, Builds, Playstyles, and Strategies for playing Thanatos. I hope this guide serves you well and feel free to reach out about any questions, comments, or concerns.
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Thanatos Jungle

Ability Leveling Order

Thanatos Introduction
Thanatos is a strong Jungler in Smite 2. He uses his Increased Movement Speed to hunt down low HP targets, and uses his Percentage HP Damage abilites to cut through tanks.
Thanato's main strength in Smite 2 is his **Execute **ability, allowing him to insteantly kill any low HP target. Thanatos brings a Global presence and High Burst Damage.
Passive - Harvester of Souls
Thanatos revels in the deaths of your foes.
Enemy gods at low health are revealed to you
Killing an enemy heals you
Killing a god reduces all of your cooldowns
Your abilites cost health instead of mana
The health threshold is determined by the rank of Hovering Death, using the first rank value when hovering Death is Unranked.
----- STATS -----
God Kill Heal: 15% of their Max Health
NPC Kill Heal: 7% of their Max Health
Cooldown Reduction: 5 seconds
Basic Attack - Melee
Thanatos deals Physical Damage to an enemy in front of him.
Thanatos has a 3 hit chain, with the final swing hitting all targets in range.
----- STATS -----
Range: 1.92 meters
Cone Angle: 120 degrees
Damage: 46 + 2.5 per level
Damage Scaling: 100% Strength + 20% Intelligence
Auto Attack Chain Damage: 1 / 0.75 / 1.5 times
Auto Attack Chain Swing Time: 1 / 0.75 / 1.5 times
Ability 1 - Death Scythe
Thanatos flings a scythe projectile that deals Physical Damage and Slows the first target hit.
Thanatos Heals for 50% of the total damage done
Projectile stops on walls
----- STATS -----
Damage per Rank: 95 / 165 / 235 / 305 / 375
Bonus Physical Damage to Gods: 10% of their max health
Damage Scaling: 60% Strength
Slow: 20%
Range: 11.2 meters
Radius: 0.48 meters
Coolown: 12 seconds
Cost: 6% Health
Ability 2 - Scent of Death
Thanatos senses death, becoming Slow Immune and gaining Movement Speed and Penetration.
You also deal bonus damage to and move faster towards enemies at low health.
Bonus Movement Speed scales from 0% effectivness to 100% effectiveness. 0% when the targets health is at Execute Threshold and 100% when the target is 1 health.
----- STATS -----
Movement Speed per Rank: 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24%
Bonus Movement Speed per Rank: Up to 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 / 24%
Flat Penetration per Rank: 8 / 11 / 14 / 17 / 20
Bonus Damage per Rank: 5 / 7.5 / 10 / 12.5 / 15%
Cooldown: 13 seconds
Cost: 4% Health
Ability 3 - Soul Reap
Thanatos swings his scythe, dealing Physical Damage and Silencing enemies in front of him
----- STATS -----
Damage per Rank: 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300
Damage Scaling: 70% Strength
Silence Duration: 0.75 seconds
Cone Angle: 110 degrees
Cooldown: 14 seconds
Cost: 4% Health
Ultimate - Hovering Death
Thanatos flies into the sky, then dives to a location dealing Physical Damage and Stunning enemies hit.
Enemies at low health are Executed instead
Execute kills enemies even if their death would normally be prevented by other god abilites.
Thanatos is fully CC immune during buildup, ascent, flight, and descent.
If Thanatos is aiming at an invalid location when the ult expires, he will land on the last valid aimed location.
----- STATS -----
Damage per Rank: 110 / 150 / 180 / 215 / 250
Damge Scaling: 80% Strength
Execute Health % per Rank: 24 / 28 / 32 / 36 / 40%
Stun Duration: 1 second
Cone Angle: 2.4 degrees
Cooldown per Rank: 90 seconds
Cost: 6% Health
God/Camp/Item Interactions
Testing in progress