Smite 2: Thanatos Jungle - CA8

See demise2014's Twitch channel

Thanatos, Hand of Death

Slayer | Execute | Global
Slayer | Execute | Global


Hey yall welcome to my guide for thanatos jungle. Thanatos is a high damage skill shot character with a lot of potential to carry games, but also can be easy to put behind and make irrelevant. Lets get into it

Discord: demise14

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/demise2014

Items, Items, Items

Blink Rune
Blink Rune
Bumbas Hammer
Bumbas Hammer
Sun Beam Bow
Sun Beam Bow
The Crusher
The Crusher
Titan's Bane
Titan's Bane
Serrated Edge
Serrated Edge

While this build seems a little strange, sunbeam bow is decent on thanatos, because it adds a ton of damage, and you don't have to manage your mana on it. It can just always be on. The rest is strong scaling items that will cause you to be a late game menace.

Ability Leveling Order


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Basic Attack - Melee

Deal Physical Damage to an enemy in front of you


  • Damage Scaling: 100% Strength + 20% Intelligence


  • Thanatos has a 3 hit chain. Attacks in the order of 1/0.75/1.5x damage and swing time.
  • The final swing of the hit chain cleaves

Passive - Harvester of Souls

You revel in the deaths of your foes. Enemy gods at low health are revealed to you. Killing an enemy heals you. Killing a god reduces all of your cooldowns. Your abilities cost health instead of mana


  • God Kill Heal: 20% of their max Health
  • NPC Kill Heal: 7% of their max Health
  • Cooldown Reduction: 5 seconds


  • The health threshold is determined by the rank of Hovering Dealth, using the first rank value when hovering death is unranked.

Ability 1 - Death Scythe

Fling a scythe projectile that deals Physical Damage and Slows the first target hit. You Heal for 50% of the total damage done. Gods take 10% of their max Health as bonus Physical Damage.


  • Damage: 95/165/235/305/375
  • Damage Scaling: 70% Strength
  • Slow: 20%
  • Range: 11.2 meters
  • Radius: 0.48 meters
  • Cooldown: 12 seconds
  • Cost: 6% Health

Ability 2 - Scent of Death

Sense death, becoming Slow Immune and gaining Movement Speed and Penetration. You also deal bonus damage to and run faster towards enemies at low health.


  • Movement Speed: 8/12/16/20/24%
  • Bonus Movement Speed: Up to 8/12/16/20/24%
  • Flat Penetration: 8/12/16/20/24
  • Bonus Damage: 5/7.5/10/12.5/15%
  • Cooldown: 13 seconds
  • Cost: 4% Health


  • Bonus Movement Speed scales from 0% of listed boost when target is at execute threshold to 100% of listed benefit when target is at 1 health.
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Ability 3 - Soul Reap

Swin your scythe, dealing Physical Damage and Silencing enemis in front of you


  • Damage: 100/150/200/250/300
  • Damage Scaling: 80% Strength
  • Silence Duration: 0.75 seconds
  • Cone Angle: 110 degrees
  • Cooldown: 14/13.5/13/12.5/12 seconds
  • Cost: 4% Health

Ultimate Ability - Hovering Death

Fly into the sky, then dive to a location dealing Physical Damage and Stunning enemies hit. Enemies at low health are Executed instead


  • Damage: 110/145/180/215/250
  • Damage Scaling: 80% Strength
  • Execute Health %: 24/28/32/36/40%
  • Stun Duration: 1 seconds
  • Cooldown: 90 seconds
  • Cost: 6% Health


  • Thanatos gains 125% Movement Speed while flying.
  • Execute kills enemies even if their death would normally be prevented by other god abilities
  • If thanatos is aiming at an invalid location when the ult expires, he will land on the last valid aimed location.
  • Thanatos is fully CC Immune during buildup, ascent, flight, and descent.


Thanatos does a ton of damage and can snowball like crazy early game. The key to his gameplay is hitting his 1 consistently. You likely wont be able to 100% someone without your ult so in the early game you should look to flank an enemy that has already taken some poke. Thanatos is fairly safe as long as his ult is available so you can look to play aggressive and in the enemy's jungle, looking to invade and steal their camps and farm. In the mid game you should be able to chunk people fairly well with your 1 so a little help with damage and youll be able to eliminate targets easily. You should try to stay somewhat out of site as thanatos is easy to kill if he gets caught out of position. Additionally try not to make it obvious when you want to throw your 1. Its a slow moving projectile so it can be easy to dodge. In the late game youre likely going to die if you take a full on fight so play the edges of fights looking to hit targets with your 1 and potentially find a pick

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Thanatos can bully and snowball really well, but he can just as easily die quickly and fall too far behind to be relevant. Be cautious of your fights and positioning and you can really run a game.

If you would like to watch some Thanatos action, you can tune in to my twitch channel and let me know. GLHF

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Updated 3mo ago

Smite 2: Thanatos Jungle - CA8

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