
Introduction to my Guide :)
Welcome to my Smite 2 Guide for Ullr. Below we will cover the Stats, Builds, Playstyles, and Strategies for playing Ullr. I hope this guide serves you well and feel free to reach out about any questions, comments, or concerns.
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Ability Leveling Order

God Introduction
Ullr is a great Damage Dealer in Smite 2. He can flex the ADC, MID, and Jungle role with his High Burst Damage, High Mobility, and Versatility.
Ullr's primary strengths lie with his Burst down a single target, Escape enemy divers, and Box out most gods in a 1v1 situaion.
Passive - Weapon Master
- When you use an ability in either stance your Cooldowns in the opposite stance are reduced.
------ Stats ------
- Cooldown Reduction: -1 second
Basic Attack - Melee/Ranged
Ullr's Basic attacks change depending on his current stance.
Bow: Fire a projectile that deals Physical Damage to the first enemy hit.
Axe: Deal Physical Damae to an enemy in front of you.
Bow projectile stops on first target hit, and does not pass through walls.
If Axe cone area contains multiple enemies, the enemy closest to the center of the area will be hit.
------ Stats ------
Damage Scaling: 100% Strength + 20% Intelligence + 100% Basic Attack Power
Bow Range: 8.8 meters
Bow Radius: 0.48 meters
Axe Range: 1.92 meters
Axe Cone Angle: 120 degrees
Ability 1 - Bladed Arrow / Thrown Axe
Bow: Fire an arrow that passes through enemies and deals Physical Damage to all targets hit.
Axe: Throw an axe that Stuns and deals Physical Damage to the first enemy it hits.
------ Stats ------
Damage per Rank: 70 / 120 / 170 / 220 / 270
Damage Scaling: 75% Strength
Range: 11.2 meters
Radius: 0.48 meters
Cooldown per Rank: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Cost per Rank: 14 seconds
Ability 2 - Expose Weakness / Invigorate
Bow: Gain bonus Attack Speed.
Axe: Gain bonus Movement Speed.
The buff persists after switching stances.
------ Stats ------
Attack Speed: 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40%
Movement Speed: 10 / 12 / 14 / 16 / 18%
Buff Duration: 5 seconds
Cooldown per Rank: 14 seconds
Cost per Rank: 50
Ability 3 - Hail of Arrows / Glory Bound
Bow: Fire a volley, dealing Physical Damage.
The arrow remains in the ground for 3s.
If Ullr activates Wield Axes in that time, the area around the arrow becomes frosted and Slows enemies in the area.
Axe: Leap to deal Physical Damage.
The axes remain in the ground for 3s.
If you activate Wield Bow in that time, the axes tear open the ground, reducing Physical Protections of enemies hit..
------ Stats ------
Damage: 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240
Damage Scaling: 100 Strength
Slow: 30%
Radius: 1.6 meters
Range: 12.8 meters
Slow Field Radius: 2.4 meters
Cooldown: 14 seconds
Cost: 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Ultimate - Wield Axes / Wield Bow
Change stance, remove Disarms, and gain benefits depending on which stance you are in.
Bow: Ranged Basic Attacks and additional Strength.
Axe: Melee Basic Attacks and additional Lifesteal.
You also gain half of the benefit of theopposing stance.
------ Stats ------
Strength per Rank: 10 / 16 / 22 / 28 / 34
Lifesteal Per Rank: 3 / 5 / 7 / 9 / 11%
Cooldown: 1 second
Cost: 0
God/Camp/Item Interactions
Testing in progress