Yemoja, Goddess of Rivers
Is Yemoja the best carry in the game? Unsure, but she does get a basic attack buff and has infinite sun beam so it can't be bad right?
Discord: demise14
Items, Items, Items
This is a pretty standard carry build, but the benefit is that sun beam bow cost mana that yemo doesn't use so she can always have it on.
Ability Leveling Order
Basic Attack - Ranged
Yemoja fires a projectile that deals Magical Damage to the first enemy hit.
- Damage Scaling: 100% + 20% Intelligence
- Range: 8.8 meters
- Radius: 0.48 meters
- Yemoja's basic attacks can hit allies with an increased radius, applying her passive omi healing
Passive - Omi
Yemoja uses Omi to cast spells instead of mana. Yemoja starts with 7 Omi and can go up to 10 Omi. Yemoja's abilites and basic attacks can hit allies, providing them a heal
- Healing: 1 + 0.2*level per tick (max 5 per tick at level 20)
- Additional Omi gained at levels 5/10/15
- Cooldown Reduction increases Omi regeneration
Ability 1A - Bouncing Bubble
Toss a bubble that bounces twice, dealing Magical Damage and Slows enemies before exploding into smaller bubbles.
- Damage: 55/90/125/160/195
- Damage Scaling: 30% Intelligence
- Small bubble Damage: 27.5/45/62.5/80/97.5
- Small bubble Damage Scaling: 15% Intelligence
- Slow: 30%
- Slow Duration: 1 Second
- Range: 5.6 meters
- Radius: 2.24 meters
- Small bubble Radius: 1 meter
- Cooldown: 0 Seconds
- Cost: 2 Omi
- Using Bouncing bubble will change the ability to Moonstrike
- Allies Hit will also gain Omi healing
- Enemies take reduces damage if hit by both large bubbles
- Slow duration is refreshed if hit by second bubble
Ability 1B - Moonstrike
The moon strikes multiple times at a location dealing Magical Damage before a final strike dealing additional Magical Damage and Stunning enemies hit. Allies in the final strike have their Omi Healing replaced by a buff to Attack Speed and Basic Attack Damage
- Damage: 30/55/80/105/130
- Damage Scaling: 15% Intelligence
- Final Damage: 60/105/145/185/225
- Final Damage Scaling 40% Intelligence
- Attack Speed: 30%
- Basic Attack Damage: 20/25/30/35/40
- Buff Duration: 4 seconds
- Stun Duration: 1 seconds
- Range 8.8 meters
- Radius: 1.6 meters
- Final Radius: 2.4 meters
- Cooldown: 0 seconds
- Cost: 2 Omi
- This ability becomes Bouncing Bubble once used
- Allies must have the Omi Healing buff in order to receive the Moonstrike buff
- This ability can stun enemy Structures for 2 seconds
Ability 2 - Mending Waters
Fire a water wave, dealing Magical Damage to enemies. This wave stops and bounces between allied gods, Healing them and providing them a Health Shield. This ability also does bonus damage to enemy Health Shields.
- Damage: 65/95/125/155/180
- Damage Scaling: 40% Intelligence
- Heal: 20/40/60/80/100
- Shield Health: 30/60/90/120/150
- Shield Health Scaling: 15% Intelligence
- Bonus Damage to Shields: 2x/2x/2x/2x/3x
- Range 9.6 meters
- Radius: 1.12 meters
- Cooldown 0 seconds
- Cost: 3 Omi
- Allies hit by this ability will also gain Omi Healing
- This ability does not go through walls
Ability 3 - Riptide
Create a water ring that throws forward anyone entering it. Allies are thrown further and gain Movement Speed and Protections. Enemies that enter the ring are slowed.
- Movement SpeeD: 10/12.5/15/17.5/20%
- Protections: 20/25/30/35/40
- Slow: 10%
- Slow Duration: 2 Seconds
- Range 9.6 meters
- Radius: 2.24 meters
- Cooldown 0 Seconds
- Cost: 3 Omi
- Allies that enter the ring gain Omi healing.
- Placing the ring at max distance reverses it's direction (becomes a pull, rather than a push
Ultimate Ability - River's Rebuke
Conjure two large walls of water that block enemy movement and projectiles. After a delay, they crash down dealing Magical Damage, Trembling, and Slowing enemies hit. Yemoja also gains a buff of increase Omi overtime on using this ability
- Damage: 250/320/390/460/530
- Damage Scaling: 70% Intelligence
- Range: 15 meters
- Radius: 4.5 meters
- Cooldown: 140/135/130/125/120
- Allies Impacted by the crashing waves gain Omi Healing and Moonstrike's buff
- Yemoja gains half of her missing Omi immediately on cast, but the duration of the omi regeneration buff is decreased based on the amount of Omi restored
- Omi regeneration buff: 0.5 Omi per second
- Omi Regeneration Buff duration: 10 Seconds at 10 Omi down to 5 Seconds at 0 Omi (0.5 second reduction per missing omi.)
Yemoja is pretty immobile, and with this build her abilities will not hit very hard. That being said you have good regeneration by casting on yourself and you want to try and use moonstrike on yourself to get a buff to attack speed and basic attack damage. In lane you want to focus on clearing quickly, and then using your CC to get good autos in on your opponent. Once sunbeam is online you can pretty much just do whatever you want. Play like an adc and position like one, and your abilities should be about the right range to land on enemies.
Yemo adc is a little bit of a meme, but it can really do a lot and the items are in her favor right now. Give it a try!
If you would like to watch some Yemoja action, you can tune in to my twitch channel and let me know. GLHF