Sol performs the best in the ADC and MID role. This guide is valid for both roles.
Sol is the 1st magical adc added into SMITE . Spend your ability points in the following order :
- Level 1 - 2
- Level 2 - 3
- Level 3 - 1
- Level 4 - 2
- Level 5 - 4
- Level 6 - 2
- Level 7 - 2
- Level 8 - 2
- Level 9 - 4
- Level 10 - 1
- Level 11 - 1
- Level 12 - 1
- Level 13 - 1
- Level 14 - 4
- Level 15 - 3
- Level 16 - 3
- Level 17 - 4
- Level 18 - 3
- Level 19 - 3
- Level 20 - 4
Sol's basic attack ,passive, 1st , 2nd, 3rd, and 4th ability(ultimate).
Tip *Sol's 2nd ability* - When you cast and throw sol's 2 you are not getting any movement penalty, it's very useful to know that while trying to kill someone running away from you .
Tip *Sol's 3rd & 4th ability* - If you think that you are in danger it's better to pre-fire the 3rd ability, it takes 3 seconds for you to become immune to any incoming damage. Using your ult to cleanse a cc that would kill you it's better than using your relic (purification beads).
SMITE 2 opens new doors when it comes to building a god, you'll have to find out what build(s) suit you and feel comfortable playing with. !Note - I recommend swapping Death Metal with Brawler's Ruin when the enemy team has a healer / gods that can lifesteal or build more than 1 or 2 lifesteal items
Final thoughts.
Sol is a powerful adc, and in the right hands she can be a menace early game and late game as well. Some general tips :
- Snowball with her as much as possible, her early game is better than all of the playable adcs right now. Also in middle lane, mages have a high cooldown in between abilities, make sure to poke them anytime you can;
- Don't use your 3 for no reason, use it aggressively (chasing someone down) or defensively (avoiding ults, heavy damage and/or ccs that can / have the chance to kill you / make you an easy target for the enemy) ;
- If you want to tower dive and the tower will target you first, make sure to use your 3 before the tower targets you, while immune the tower cannot target you and it can swap targets to minions / allies. ;
- Use your ult to counter another ult / a hard cc if you didn't manage to do it in time with your 3 ( ex: Ares ult , Athena's taunt , Anubis stun ).