See h_opale's Twitch channel
Worth the Wait gold





- Nomsy → Play shapeshifter vertical/ Hunter if +1 with 3dragons
- Warwick → Play 6 vanguard WW carry
- Soraka → play Mage fast 9 or reroll veigar & vex
- Seraphine → play Mage fast 9 or reroll veigar & vex
- Twitch → Play 4Hunter + 4 Shape tempo fast 9, duo carry Twitch & Olaf
- Jayce → Play shapeshifter vertical with smolder and Briar
- Ziggs → play 4 vanguard 4 incantor
- Zoe → play scholar ryze/ 8portals tempo if spat
- Blitzcrank → Play Blaster 4vanguard/mage with Honey/scholar vanguard
- Elise → Play shapeshifter vertical/ shape & Hunter/ Eldritch vertical tempo
- Jax → Play Kalista / Multistriker reroll if artifact or good augments 3-2
- Lillia → Play scholar ryze 4 bastion / Play Kalista if guinsoo
- Poppy → Play scholar ryze 4 bastion/ Play vertical witchcraft with ryze if +1
- Ashe → Play Multisktriker (hecarim reroll lvl7 or Eldritch tempo)
Worth the Wait Prisma





- Ahri → Play scholar Ryze line or 4 vanguard 4 scholar reroll (morde 3*)
- Akali → Play multistriker reroll or Warrior (4warrior+multistriker or 6 warrior)
- Nilah → Play Warrior line (Gwen/Fiora/kata or 6 warriors) with Milio and Bard
- Kassadin → Play Multistriker vertical and aim for 2 kassa 3 into kassa 4
- Shyvana → Play Shape vertical with 2 shyvana 3 midgame
- Kog maw → Play Hunter vertical with Kog main carry
- Syndra → Play Cassio & syndra / Play eldritch vertical tempo
- Cassiopeia → Play Syndra & cassio with Shape
- Rumble → Play 4 scholar with bard & TK / Blaster vertical if +1 / Hwei & ezreal reroll if items)
- Galio → Play mages reroll / 8portals if +1
- Nunu → Play 4 scholar & 4 bastion / play vertical Bastion if +1 and tempo (make nunu 3 then use other to fast 9)
- Tristana → Play Blaster vertical / Kalista line with duo carry
- Zilean → Play Chrono karma / mage if +1 / Kalista and use extra Zilean for econ
In the case of the Worth the Wait prismatic augment, aside from S-tier champions, it is often recommended to simply 3-star the champions and use any surplus to generate eco, unless there's an opportunity to potentially value a second 3-star copy.