Hey! I am Frobei, I have been Challenger multiple sets in a row and I've been making TFT guides for years so stick around or follow me for more content!
In this article, you will find cheatsheets about the new artifact items you can obtain starting patch 14.9.
Suspicious Trench Coat

This item seems good overall but it it's real potential lies in synergies with some other items or traits as they also duplicate the items. Overall, 3 star Volibear and Gnar have enough health so the copies don't get OS immediately and can get back all of their health with sustain items.
Lightshield Crest

This item seems like a good tank item to put on units that love defensive stats or can stack defensive stats
Talisman of Ascension

This item is made for comps that can stall for a long time such as: Fated, Dryad, Mythic / Invoker
Innervating Locket

This item is perfect for 3-star tanks that can shield themselves or heal themselves allowing them to be nearly unkillable. Amumu seems to be the best fit thanks to his traits but some other tanks can use well this item as well.
Undending Despair

I see this item to be truly powerful only in a Fated setup with either Yasuo 3 or Thresh 3
Prowler's Claw

This item is made for AD melee carry so they can jump to the backline after one kill.
Horizon Focus

That extra burst damage seems to be extremely valuable on Lux and Lissandra. I do expect this item to be decent on Volibear with 6 Duelist and Nautilus for extra damage

Another great item for AD melee carries, especially the ones who rely a lot on basic attacks

There are only two units whose shield scales with max HP. The idea of this item is to make them scale infinitely since the shield gives more HP and the HP gives more shield.
Rapid Firecannon

Snipers will benefit from this item quite a lot so they can gain increased damage with it. Qiyana can attack from far away and touch many units with her ability.

This item is insane melee AD caster. Basically the units who don't rely too much on basic damage and can deal huge damage with their ability. The exceptions are:
- Thresh because he already has 0.5 attack speed and a huge base AD so there is no downside
- Irelia (to be tested) because she has a huge base AD and can stun many units with her blades
Corrupt Vampiric Scepter

This item is really niche and the best holder is Gnar because he can stack tons of AD to the points his basic attacks become little rocks instead of his ability.
Seeker's Armguard

This item doesn't give that many offensive stats so it is best fit for units who like to stack tons of defensive stats. Ethereal Blades Shen or Pop Blossom Neeko would love this item
Spectral Cutlass

It is best for AD carry who can one shot the backline in less than 8 seconds
Blighting Jewel

Units who can deal many instances of magic damage use this item perfectly.
This needs to be tested but it seems the item work with ANY source of magic damage such as Statikk or Ionic so there might be a hidden OP interaction here.
Lich Bane

Any AP carry with low mana will love this item.

All snipers will love this item, Kogmaw can easily snipe the backline with his ability from the start of the fight.
Luden's Tempest

Units who usually have a lot of mana and can deal huge damage on their ability love this item to do chain damage and wipe out boards in a second.
Cursed Blade (disabled on patch 14.9)

The best holders will be Duelists because of their naturally high attack speed. However Ashe and Bard are also good holder if you have a strong frontline and Guinsoo on them.
Wit's End

This item is very similar to Cursed Blade so their holders are the same.
Best items for all Set 11 champions
If you want to learn all the best items for all Set 11 units click on this link: