The Black Rose trait in TFT Set 13 introduces a unique mechanic revolving around Sion, a chained juggernaut who becomes an unstoppable force once freed. Sion starts chained, but after five casts from Black Rose champions or dropping below 65% HP, he breaks free to wreak havoc. As the synergy grows, Sion gains more power, heals to full health, and even revives with immense strength. This guide will show you how to optimize your Black Rose composition, harnessing Sion's dark magic to dominate your matches.
See more: How to Play Black Rose
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Final Board Setup (Basic)
Final Board Setup 2
Game plan
Core: Heimer, Elise, Garen, Vlad, Morgana. Caps highest with Malzahar and Leblanc both holding items. Position Sion and Elise towards enemy carry. Anomaly Priority: Heimer / Malzahar > Garen
Augment Priority: Emblem > Econ > Combat
- Early Game:
- Play around early upgraded AP and Black Rose units. Prioritize building Mana / AP items for Heimerdinger and Malzahar.
- Mid Game:
- Level to 6 and stabilize around Black Rose as your frontline. Aim for a mix of upgraded Visionaries, Sorcerors, and Dominators as backline damage.
- Late Game:
- Fast 8 and look for Heimerdinger, Garen, and Black Rose. Aim for 4 Visionaries and flex your remaining spots. Push 9 for 5 costs.
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Level 8
Level 9
End game
The Black Rose composition offers a strategic and thrilling playstyle centered on freeing and empowering Sion. As you upgrade your Black Rose champions and star levels, Sion grows stronger, becoming the linchpin of your team. At its peak, the synergy transforms him into an unstoppable force, reviving after death to annihilate foes. With careful planning, positioning, and itemization, this dark and magical strategy will guide you to glorious victories. Free Sion, embrace the power of the Black Rose, and let darkness consume the battlefield!
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Good luck to you! - Cheng