Final comp

Comp resume
This composition is based on giving all possible potential to Katarina 3 Chosen in its Crowd diver variant, we combine it with Country since the more time Katarina spends on the battlefield, the stronger her blows will be, we combine it with units like Samira AND Urgot (Urgot can be searched at 3 stars if you have enough economy or are stable at the table)
Katarina Chosen gives us the following increase:
Throw a blade at the current target that bounces 3 times, dealing magic damage and applying Wound for 6 seconds.
Wound: Reduces healing received by 33%.
Headliner Effect: +200 Health, Her final blade bounce deals 66% bonus damage.
We are looking for a build that maximizes your critical ability while giving you survival.
We would distribute the rest of the items as follows:
Thresh: Defensive items
Urgot: Offtank item
Samira: Defense reduction
As 6 Crowd diver you gain flat bonus damage 50% increased 1% by every second so the longer the fight more damage will come from this units
Early game

Mid game

Mid game
At level 6-7 you want already to reroll for you Katarina 3 and get to the point you have 5 Country 4 crowd diver, also buying Urgots to go for lvl 3 (not required) as he will be your second damage dealer. Once you are at level 7 you can opt for 2 routes:
1- You have a good spot with hp and economy you can roll for Urgot 3 and go fast 9 to add the last 2 units (Zed, Qiyana) 2- Go fast 9 without rerolling for Urgot to add the 6 crowd diver sinergy
Special case scenarios
Im gonna add to more variants in case you gain the augmment New Recruit, gain a fon or the portal of the game is Multi-Talented.
Both Cases add Yorick as the final piece giving Urgot more damage and also gaining
Multi-Talented final comp

New recruit/Fon Final comp