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The 6 Sentinel comp with Lux Carry is an off-meta composition in the current 14.24b patch. However, that doesn’t mean this comp isn’t strong. I’ve played it and consistently reached the top. To understand this comp better, scroll down below and carefully read what I’ve written, and enjoy it!
Read more: How to Play Sentinel
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Final Board Setup






The choice of augments for this comp depends on the specific match and what you have available.
- The best augment, in my opinion, is Starry Night, as it helps 1-gold or 2-gold units reach 3-star more easily.
- Next, augments like Pandora's Items will optimize items for Lux and the entire team.
- The Shield Bash augment from Glass Sentinel is also a great choice, as it reinforces your tank line, allowing them to stall longer and give Lux more time to deal damage.
- Additionally, you can check out many of my articles about TFT Set 13 here, as: How to play Reroll, How to pick Augment, How to pick Anomaly,...TFT Set 13 Blog on Tacter
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- Lux:
- Bloodthirster: Gain 20% Omnivamp. Once per combat at 40% Health, gain a 25% max Health Shield that lasts up to 5 seconds.
- Two Archangel's Staffs: Combat start: Gain 30 Ability Power every 5 seconds.
- These are two essential items for Lux.
- Illaoi and Rell/Leona
- If Illaoi is contested or only 1-star, you can transfer the tank items to Rell or Leona (3-star) to hold them. You can check the items for them in the Board above.
- Zoe:
- Statikk Shiv: Every 3rd attack deals 35 magic damage and 30% Shreds 4 enemies for 5 seconds.
- Spear of Shojin: Attacks grant 5 bonus Mana.
- Jayce or 6 Cost
- Jayce: One Academy item, If you have Hand of Justice, even better.
- 6 Cost: It could be Viktor or Mel.
Anomalies (Lux)
- Mage Armor: Gain Armor and Magic Resist equal to 40% of Ability Power.
- Kill StreakKill Streak: Gain 30 Mana each kill.
- Ultimate HeroUltimate Hero: Star up a 3-star 1-cost champion to 4 stars!
- Nothing Wasted: When an ally dies, gain 70% of their current Mana.
Game plan
- Explanation of Lux's Abilities in TFT Set 13:
- Prismatic BarrierMana: Grant 160/180/240 (AP) Shield to the lowest current Health ally. Lux's next attack deals 360/540/900 (AP) bonus magic damage.
- Similar to League of Legends, She uses her Prismatic Barrier (W) to shield the ally with the lowest health. Lux's basic attacks in TFT deal AoE magic damage. Her basic attacks, combined with her passive, deal additional magic damage. She both supports and carries.
- 6 Sentinel Lux Carry comp:
- Lux uses her abilities to deal AoE magic damage, with her Prismatic Barrier (W) offering utility by shielding the lowest health ally.
- Sentinels provide a sturdy frontline, offering additional armor and resistances for your team. They help to absorb damage and give Lux more time to unleash her abilities.
- This comp leverages both strong tanking and powerful magic damage to outlast and overwhelm the enemy team.
- This comp is easy to play, and Lux is less likely to be contested, so she'll hit 3-star early.
- Game plan:
- As long as Lux reaches 3-star at level 5, you can immediately level up to LV8. However, make sure you have 30 gold to roll for Anomaly.
- Team Early game: Lux - Zyra - Irelia - Singed
- Team Mid game: Lux - Nami - Irelia - Singed - Rell - Leona
- Team Late game: Lux - Zoe - 6 Sentinels
- Team Level 9: Jayce or 6 Cost.
Thanks for Reading! If you want to gain more in-depth knowledge about TFT, check out many helpful articles here!
Good luck to you! – Cheng
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