Using the Sentinel trait we will have an unkillable frontline and with Ahri being Ahri (killing with one cast) the enemy team won't have enough time to get past our tank.
We want to use any Sentinel as our headliner, but Blitzcrank is the priority for obvious reasons as he is our main tank.

We want to use a Sentinel headliner so we can activate 4 Sentinels, K'sante is great because we can just sell him later to replace him with Blitzcrank.
As for our carry, anyone will do as long as it deals magic damage.

As we level up we want to add more Sentinels and activate Spellweavers, if we get an Ahri we replace the Annie with her, if not we keep the Annie until level 8.
From this point you want to go to level 8 and replace the K'sante for Blitzcrank if you get a Sentinel one, if not you just keep re rolling above 50 gold for him, if we get a Sona we place her instead of the Lulu and add the Lulu at 9.