A few things to know about Origins: Draconic - TFT Set 5.5


Origins: Draconic - TFT Set 5.5

The Draconic origin in TFT Set 5.5 introduces a unique mechanic centered around hatching eggs that reward players with bonus units and loot over time. If you're able to accumulate enough Draconic champions, you'll gain the ability to generate eggs on your bench after each combat round. These eggs will hatch after a set number of turns, and the larger the egg, the greater the rewards.

Draconic Bonus (3) Draconic: After each combat round, gain an egg on your bench that hatches into a Draconic champion or loot after 3 rounds. (5) Draconic: The eggs become golden, hatching into more valuable loot or higher-tier Draconic champions after 3 rounds.

The Draconic trait encourages players to commit early to this origin to start accumulating eggs, as they take several turns to hatch. The longer the game progresses, the more rewarding it becomes, making it a valuable investment if you manage to hold onto the necessary champions.

Draconic Champions

  1. Udyr (1-cost; Skirmisher) Ability: Attack Fighter - Swap between Turtle and Tiger stance with each cast, gaining the following benefits: Turtle: Gain 300/350/450 (Ability power) Shield for 4 seconds. Tiger: The next attack strikes 3 times quickly for 82/124/204 (Attack damage) physical damage per strike. Strength: a reputable tank, creates shields and takes damage

  2. Sett (2-cost, Brawler) Ability: Haymaker – Sett pulls back his fist and then unleashes a punch in a line, dealing damage to all enemies hit. Strength: A solid frontliner for early game with good survivability as a Brawler and decent crowd control.

  3. Zyra (2-cost, Spellweaver) Ability: Grasping Roots – Zyra sends a line of vines towards the farthest enemy, dealing magic damage and stunning all enemies hit. Strength: Provides control and damage from a safe distance, helping maintain the Draconic synergy early on.

  4. Ashe (3-cost, Ranger) Ability: Volley – Ashe fires a volley of arrows, dealing damage to several enemies and slowing their attack speed. Strength: A reliable backline damage dealer who can kite enemies and deal consistent damage.

  5. Galio (4-cost, Sentinel/Knight) Ability: Colossal Entrance – Galio dashes forward and deals massive damage in an area while knocking up enemies. Strength: He provides another strong frontliner, with excellent disruption and tankiness to protect your backline.

  6. Heimerdinger (5-cost, Caretaker/Invoker) Ability: H-28G Evolution Turret – Heimerdinger deploys a turret that deals magic damage and explodes upon destruction, dealing massive AoE damage. Strength: As a powerful 5-cost, Heimerdinger can turn the tide of battle with his turret, offering both sustained damage and burst.


Playstyle Tips

  • Egg Hatch Management: Draconic eggs take time to hatch, so you'll want to start rolling for Draconic units as early as possible to get the most value out of the origin. Prioritize hitting the (3) Draconic bonus early for consistent egg spawns.

  • Transition Plan: Early-game power can come from Sett and Zyra, but you'll need to transition into stronger late-game units like Heimerdinger and Galio to stay competitive in the late stages of the game.

  • Positioning: With multiple backline units like Ashe and Zyra, protecting them with frontline tanks like Sett and Galio is key. Keep your Draconic carries safe to maximize their effectiveness.

Dragon Egg Drops (3 Draconics)

Dragon Egg Drops (5 Draconics)



The Draconic origin is a long-term investment that rewards patience. Early-game consistency through egg generation can help you snowball into the mid-game, and with the right champions, you'll have a solid economy and powerful units to carry you into the late game. If you're lucky enough to hit a Golden Egg, the loot and powerful champions you receive can be game-changing!

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