Hi! I'm Frobei and I've been Challenger multiple sets in a row.
We're approaching the end of Set 10 so i am making multiple guides to give you ALL the strong and playable comps you can play. I will also rank them with different tier because they are not all equal.
This is part 2 where I show only the one cost reroll comps. If you are interesting in other comps, here are the other parts of the guide:
- 1 Cost reroll comps: https://www.tacter.com/tft/guides/all-strongest-comps-of-set-10-from-a-challenger-player-1-cost-reroll-part-1-af150582
- 3 Cost reroll comps: https://www.tacter.com/tft/guides/all-strongest-3-cost-reroll-comps-of-set-10-from-a-challenger-player-part-3-4dce0fcf
- Fast 8 comps (4 cost and 5 cost): https://www.tacter.com/tft/guides/all-strongest-fast-8-comps-of-set-10-from-a-challenger-player-part-4-e9cf6c64
Guidelines for 2 cost reroll comp
Generally you want to play a 2 cost reroll comp as follow:
- Never push stage 2
- Keep econ at max level as possible
- Push lvl 6 at 3-2
- Roll to stabilize your board (2-star front + headliner)
- Rebuild your econ to 50g
If you are NOT looking for any 3 cost reroll ou 4 cost unit in your comp OR you are contested:
- Slow roll at lvl 6 before pushing levels
If you are looking for 3 cost 3 stars or 4 cost units to complete the comp:
- Slowly push lvl 7 and slow roll at lvl 7 for your 3 stars
For me details, I have a full econ guide here: https://www.tacter.com/tft/guides/the-only-updated-econ-guide-you-need-for-tft-set-10-challenger-guide-1b6d6528